Wednesday, December 20, 2017 by Janine Acero
Acinic cell carcinoma or ACC (also known as Acinar cell carcinoma) is a rare salivary gland cancer. In the past, it was classified as an “acinic cell tumor” or benign “adenoma”. Later on, due to high potential to recur and metastatize, it was identified as a malignant carcinoma as per the World Health Organization (WHO).
Acinic cell carcinoma are typically slow growing, low-grade (highly differentiated) neoplasms.
Women are affected with salivary gland tumors more than men, and the average age of diagnosis of all salivary gland tumors is approximately 44 years old.
While the cause of this rare cancer is unknown, risk factors include cigarette smoking, genetic predisposition, viral infections, some types of woodworking, and exposure to nickel compounds.
Occupational exposures to certain radioactive substances may also increase the risk of salivary gland cancer:
Possible causes of ACC include previous radiation exposure, a genetic predisposition, and wood dust inhalation. Women are more prone to get this cancer than men, except in the case of exocrine tumors of the pancreas. Middle-aged people are also more prone to get this rare cancer. Although very rare, some children have also been diagnosed with this cancer.
Acinic cell carcinoma has a significant tendency to recur, to produce metastases like cervical lymph nodes, and may have an aggressive evolution.
Focusing on (or in some cases, avoiding) certain food items and food groups may help prevent this rare cancer.
For gallbladder and liver cleanse: 4 tbsp Epsom salt, ½ cup olive oil. 1 large apple or grapefruit.
The treatment of choice for acinic cell carcinoma is surgical removal of the tumor, or the tumor and the gland involved. If facial nerves are involved, they may also be surgically removed. Radiation therapy may also be used as an adjunct therapy or if there is suspected residual disease, large primary tumors, lymph node involvement, or other late stage conditions. Neutron beam radiation has been used successfully for this cancer.
For pancreatic ACC, surgical resection is the best treatment in absence of distant metastasis. Adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy may help to prolong survival. 5-Fluorouracil is the most common chemotherapeutic agent used.
Herbal treatments may include curcumin, Resveratrol and Quercetin.
Complications of surgical treatment such as the Frey syndrome (gustatory flushing and sweating and the auriculotemporal syndrome) has been successfully treated with injections of botulinum toxin A.
Acinic cell carcinoma, also known as acinar cell carcinoma, is a rare salivary gland cancer.
Women are known to be affected with salivary gland tumors more than men.
The cause of salivary gland tumors is unknown, but risk factors include cigarette smoking and viral infections, as well as occupational hazards like rubber manufacturing, plumbing equipment, some types of woodworking and asbestos mining.
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