Wednesday, June 21, 2017 by Tim Wesley
Cassava is commonly found in developing countries and used as a major source of carbohydrates and calories. This starchy root crop that has a nutty flavor is widely consumed in tropical regions. One of the reasons they’re a staple is they can withstand challenging growing conditions. But more than these, cassava boasts of a variety of health benefits.
While this root vegetable has numerous benefits, it’s important to know that too much intake may have detrimental effects, so consume moderately.
You’d be amazed at what cassava can do to the body. This unassuming vegetable packs a punch when it comes to health benefits. For one, it helps promote healthy and beautiful skin. Peel off the skin and use it as an exfoliant or you can create a paste to use as a facial scrub. It’s also a very good natural scar removal treatment and skin moisturizer.
Cassava can also promote hair growth. It will also nourish and protect your hair strands from roots to tips so they remain strong and prevent hair fall. You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on salon hair treatments with this root vegetable.
Take note that the cassava’s health benefits go beyond the skin and hair. Its roots and tubes contain proteins, fats, calories, iron, carbohydrates, starch, and vitamins B and C. The leaves are rich in calcium, iron, fats, and protein that all help in preventing and treating certain diseases.
Cassava is mainly used for a variety of conditions. In alternative medicine, it’s used to enhance fertility. It’s also known to be helpful in preventing cancer and other diseases like diarrhea, arthritis, flu, headaches, conjunctivitis, obesity, and type-2 diabetes. Research suggests that the compound linamarin may have anti-cancer properties. A 2002 study that involved mice showed that the compound may have positive effects on killing tumors.
With all its nutritional content, cassava is clearly beneficial to staying healthy and disease-free. It’s high in resistant starch, which is beneficial to the digestive system. It feeds bacterial gut and helps reduce inflammation. It’s also helpful in improving metabolism for better weight control, thereby reducing the risk for obesity. Its high fiber content is also helpful in maintaining good digestive function.
Additionally, the fiber content can help slow down the rate at which sugar is absorbed in the bloodstream. This is why cassava is ideal for diabetics and those who want to maintain healthy hearts. Cassava contains saponins. These are phytochemicals that help reduce cholesterol levels. Saponins bind to cholesterol and bile acid so they don’t get absorbed by the small intestines. These also contain antioxidants that fight free radicals, further strengthening your body’s chances against heart diseases and even cancer.
It’s also good for the skeletal system. Cassava’s calcium content is vital in promoting healthy bones and teeth. This will keep you from developing brittle bones and prevent fractures.
As a root crop, cassava should be easy to prepare. You can simply boil it or chop it into thin slices to make chips. But if you’re looking for more creative ways to enjoy this healthy treat, try these recipes.
Cassava can promote smooth and healthy skin and hair.
Cassava helps regulate blood cholesterol levels to avoid heart attacks and stroke.
Cassava is essential in promoting strong bones and teeth.
Cassava can boost the body’s defense mechanism by eliminating free radicals.
Cassava can help prevent cancer.
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