Wednesday, February 07, 2018 by Michelle Simmons
Described as the clouding of the lens of the eye, a cataract disrupts the passage of light. Typically, cataracts develop as people age. However, children may also be born with the condition, or it may occur after an injury, inflammation, or disease. The risk factors for age-related cataract are diabetes, too much exposure to sunlight, cigarette smoking, and alcohol consumption.
A person with a cataract may experience the following side effects: cloudy or blurry vision; vision of colors may seem faded; headlights, lamps, or sunlight may appear too bright, or a halo may appear around lights; poor night vision; double vision or multiple images in one eye; and frequent prescription changes in eyeglasses or contact lenses. Over time, cataracts can get bigger and eventually lead to blindness.
The main body system that is harmed by cataracts is the ocular system as it is a condition that affects the vision.
According to an entry published on the website BelMarraHealth.com, the foods that can help prevent cataract include the following:
In addition, an entry published on the website EarthClinic.com listed that there are nutrients that can prevent or eliminate cataracts. These include:
When cataracts prevent the patient from doing his daily activities, such as reading or driving, a surgical treatment may be needed. The surgical treatment options include intracapsular cataract extraction, extracapsular cataract extraction, and phacoemulsification.
For patients who are not yet ready to have surgery, the condition can be managed by wearing glasses that have the most accurate prescription possible; using a magnifying glass for reading; getting brighter lamps for the house, such as halogen lamps; wearing sunglasses to reduce glare on sunny days; and avoiding driving at night.
Cataracts are the clouding of the lens of the eye that hampers the passage of light.
Cataracts cause a blurry or cloudy vision that can lead to blindness over time.
Cataracts can be prevented by eating bell peppers, carrots, eggs, fatty fish, fresh fruits, herbs, leafy greens, and nuts and seeds.
Cataracts can be prevented by consuming nutrients, such as alpha lipoic acid, phytonutrients, and lutein.
Cataracts can be treated through surgery.
Sources include:
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