Saturday, February 10, 2018 by Zoey Sky
Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that develops in a woman’s cervix, or the entrance to the womb found in the lower part of the uterus. At least all cases of cervical cancer are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a very common virus that can be passed on through sexual contact with a man or a woman.
A woman diagnosed with cervical cancer may not display any symptoms, especially during the early stages. However, symptoms may include vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse, between menstrual cycles, or after menopause. Do take note that abnormal bleeding isn’t a sure sign of cervical cancer, but you should consult a healthcare professional right away.
The side effects of cervical cancer include:
Take note that these symptoms are not specific for cervical cancer and some of them can be caused by other conditions.
Some risk factors for cervical cancer can include:
Cervical cancer may spread to surrounding structures and organs. Noninvasive cancer may turn into a “locally invasive carcinoma in situ,” which refers to a mass of cancer cells that have “gained access to the rest of the body.”
Cancerous cells can spread through the vessels of the lymph system. These will first move to lymph nodes in the pelvis or near the aorta, the largest artery in the body. These pelvic and para-aortic lymph nodes (regional lymph nodes) are nodes closest to the cancer site.
From the regional lymph nodes, cancer can travel to distant sites. It can invade the bones, liver, lungs, and the brain.
Invasive cancer complications may include:
Metastatic cancer has a lower survival rate than noninvasive or locally invasive cancer.
These foods contain nutrients that may help prevent cervical cancer:
Cervical cancer treatment and management plan options include surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or combinations of the three.
Treatment for early-stage cervical cancer, especially when it is confined to the cervix, has a high success rate. However, the further the cancer has spread out from the cancer site, the lower the success rate is.
Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that develops in a woman’s cervix, or the entrance to the womb found in the lower part of the uterus. At least all cases of cervical cancer are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).
The side effects of cervical cancer include abnormal vaginal bleeding, bleeding or spotting between periods, longer or heavier menstrual periods than usual.
Cervical cancer may spread to surrounding organs.
Cervical cancer can be treated and managed by surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or combinations of the three.
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