Wednesday, September 20, 2017 by Jhoanna Robinson
Flavonols are polyphenols that belong to the class of flavonoids, and are colorless molecules that can be found in the skin and leaves of fruits and vegetables. Light is needed to facilitate their biosynthesis.
Flavonols differ from other types of flavonoids largely because they have a double bond between positions 2 and 3, and an oxygen attached (a ketone group) in position 4 of the C ring, like flavones; however, they are different from flavones in the sense that there is the presence of a hydroxyl group at the position 3 of flavonols. Flavonol skeleton is 3-hydroxyflavone.
Flavonols are represented by glycosides of isorhamnetin, kaempferol, myricetin, quercetin, gingerol, and rutin. They can be obtained by eating beverages such as red wine and tea; fruits; and vegetables. Eating dark chocolate would also help.
Flavonols have anti-inflammatory properties. Sometimes, when inflammation occurs in your body, it can actually be a good sign as it means that your body is still able to respond to infection, injury, irritation, or stress. However, there are instances when inflammation is unnecessary and actually damages your body systems. Gingerol, myricetin, and rutin are powerful antioxidants that ensure that the only inflammations that your body will experience are the necessary ones.
Flavonols are good for the cardiovascular system. Eating foods that are rich in flavonols bring about heart health, as it can lower blood pressure and improve insulin sensitivity. According to a study that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in March 2005, HOMA-IR, which is a measure of insulin resistance, decreased significantly after the ingestion of dark chocolate, and insulin sensitivity rose after the ingestion of dark chocolate, as compared with the ingestion of white chocolate.
Also, the flavonols in cocoa could contribute to blood vessel health because they contain antioxidant properties and incrrease nitric oxide bioavailability. Nitric oxide, for additional information, is essential to increased blood flow, decreased plaque growth, and blood clotting. Nitric oxide positively impacts glucose uptake.
Flavonols have anti-inflammatory properties.
Flavonols are good for the cardiovascular system.
The flavonols in cocoa could contribute to blood vessel health because they contain antioxidant properties.
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