Tuesday, December 05, 2017 by Janine Acero
Fluopyram is a pyridylethylamide broad spectrum fungicide applied as a foliar and seed treatment used to control a range of Ascomycete and Deuteromycete diseases in many horticultural and arable crops. It also has nematicide activity.
Fluopyram inhibits spore germination, germ tube elongation, mycelium growth and sporulation. Within plants, fluopyram shows translaminar activity and some movement within the xylem. Botrytis, powdery mildew, Fusarium virguliforme are some of the fungal pests controlled by fluopyram.
China has authorized the use of fluopyram and registration has recently been granted in Romania for use on grapes. Other uses are currently being progressed in Europe and North America.
Fluopyram has a molecular formula of C16H11ClF6N2O.
Fluopyram can be mixed with other formulations of fungicide such as Strobilurins, which are used against many types of fungi that attack crops and turf. They inhibit fungal respiratory chains and disrupt metabolism. Strobilurins typically cause irritation to the skin and mucous membranes.
As per the Toxicology Data Network, exposures are uncommon and generally occur in agricultural settings. When ingested, fluopyram can cause burning sensations to the mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract. Accidental aspiration from aerosol exposure can cause pain in the eyes and respiratory tract, pruritus, skin redness, weakness, headache and dizziness. Mild cases of conjunctivitis have been reported.
Fluopyram is also known to be a hazard to aquatic environments, with long-term effects.
Treatment-related effects were seen in the adrenal glands, liver, lungs, spleen, thymus and thyroid gland.
The liver and kidney contained the highest concentrations of fluopyram residues in the experimental doses. Fluopyram affected the liver (enzyme induction, hypertrophy, single-cell degeneration and necrosis) in mice, rats and dogs; adrenals (cortical hypertrophy and vacuolation) in mice; and the kidney (tubular degeneration and single-cell necrosis, urinalysis findings).
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concluded that fluopyram has potential hazards to fetuses, infants and children.
Fluopyram is applied to a number of fruits, vegetables and other crops, such as watermelons, almonds, pistachio nuts, grapes, potatoes, cherries, apples, greenhouse flowers, sugarbeets, strawberries and cotton.
Fluopyram is an active ingredient in some products such as Fluopyram SC 500 and Verango.
Avoid products that contain fluopyram as an active ingredient. Handlers, mixers and applicators of fluopyram may be exposed to its fumes in the workplace. The following are some personal protective measurements in case of contact with or exposure to fluopyram:
Fluopyram is a broad spectrum fungicide that inhibits spore germination, germ tube elongation, mycelium growth and sporulation.
Fluopyram has been found to affect the adrenal glands, liver, lungs, spleen, thymus and thyroid gland.
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