Thursday, October 05, 2017 by Rhonda Johansson
Indulge in the creamy, unwholesome goodness that is margarine. Developed originally as a “healthier” alternative to butter, this mostly vegetable fat-based product has now been validated to be rather unhelpful in keeping your nutrition in check. The misalignment occurs during the preparation process when the oil undergoes hydrogenation. This is when hydrogen molecules are added to the mixture to thicken either the soybean or corn oil and make it resemble the appearance and texture of butter. This technique, though, converts unsaturated fats to saturated ones. Basic knowledge in nutrition would highlight the hidden dangers of ingesting large amounts of these substances.
Newer margarine products claim that they contain lower amounts of saturated fats. Regardless of the veracity of this, consumers are cautioned against purchasing these products. Butter is surprisingly more nutritious, despite it having a higher fat content. To compensate for this, wellness experts and nutritionists recommend consuming or using only a small amount of butter. Excessive consumption of this food item is also linked to an onslaught of various diseases.
Do not be fooled by the bright glimmer of that margarine stick. Not all that glitters, after all, is gold. Margarine not only contains the same amount of calories as butter, but it has more saturated and trans fat. Medical studies have proven that trans fat can be one of the most detrimental substances in the food industry to date. It is estimated that a regular stick of margarine contains around two grams of trans fat per tablespoon. That’s 17 percent of the daily value recommended for an average-sized person.
Trans fat raises LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol while lowering HDL (high-density lipoprotein) levels. Consequently, consuming large amounts of margarine increases the risk of arterial plaque formation and heart disease. One nutritional review even concluded that those who regularly ate margarine had a significantly reduced immune response compared to those who ate butter or neither. A decreased immune response makes one more susceptible to diseases.
Another study found that pregnant women who consumed a lot of trans fat-rich food (for which margarine can be considered as) had inferior breast milk. Scientists are still determining why this should be so, but hypothesize that trans fat ingestion is directly related to insulin resistance and can impair the heart’s glucose metabolism.
Margarine does the most damage to your heart. Newer research on the topic suggests that taking in a lot of margarine contributes to an increased risk of a cardiovascular disorder. Excessive consumption of the substance can block arteries with plaque. This coerces the heart to work doubly hard.
Margarine was meant to be the healthier alternative to butter because of its low fat content. Even so, it overcompensated by having a dangerous amount of saturated and trans fat instead. This makes margarine marginally (pun intended) more unhelpful than butter.
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