Thursday, December 21, 2017 by Jhoanna Robinson
Mefenpyr-diethyl is an organic chemical compound that is usually used as an herbicide to protect barley and cereal crops. It is a product of Bayer CropScience.
Mefenpyr-diethyl can be very toxic to aquatic life. It is toxic to the human body when inhaled, ingested, or exposed to the skin and eyes, and can cause severe irritations.
Mefenpyr-diethyl is bad for the reproductive system. It can negatively affect fetal development as to seriously impair an infant’s ability to have proper weight upon release from the womb. Mothers who are exposed to the chemical experience having their babies aborted or lost due to pre-implantation mishaps.
Since mefenpyr-diethyl is usually used as a pesticide to protect the growth of barley, barley products such as cereals are the ones that can be most likely contaminated with the chemical.
Always remember to wear protective clothing whenever handling this substance. The protective materials include cotton overalls, boots, face shield, safety goggles, PVC gloves, and washable hat.
Mefenpyr-diethyl can be very toxic to aquatic life.
Mefenpyr-diethyl is bad for the reproductive system.
Mefenpyr-diethyl is a product of Bayer CropScience.
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