Wednesday, November 29, 2017 by Rita Winters
Meptyldinocap is a relatively new dinitrophenolic fungicidal compound used to control powdery mildew diseases. It acts by uncoupling mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Meptyldinocap is derived from dinocap, an existing active substance used as a contact fungicide. Meptyldinocap is intended to be used on vines, cucurbits and strawberries. Since these food items are not fed to animals, there are currently no available metabolism studies for evaluation. This chemical can be applied via foliar techniques, or direct application of the liquid to the leaves of the plant.
This chemical is known as meptyldinocap, GF-1478 fungicide (in other countries). Its generic name is 2-(1-methylheptyl)-4,6-dinitrophenyl (2E)-2-butenoate. It is currently not registered in the United States of America. Meptyldinocap is used on plants like grapevines in the U.K., Italy, Romania, Hungary, Tunisia, and Chile.
Dinocap is moderately toxic by ingestion and slightly toxic by dermal absorption. Meptyldinocap, as a derivation of dinocap, may hold the same toxicological characteristics. Given that the chemical is new, there are not enough studies to prove this chemical non-toxic or non-harmful. In the meantime, it would be safe to assume that meptyldinocap is toxic to humans and natural environments.
Meptyldinocap was tested to have low acute toxicity via the oral and dermal routes of exposure. Inhalation results in moderate acute toxicity. It is also a skin sensitizer, slightly irritating to rabbit skin. Top doses in laboratory tests resulted in a unilateral preputial abscess (male mice) and cloudy cornea (female mice). Increase in liver weight was recorded, as well as slight focal necrosis with inflammation. There is currently no information on the effects on the liver. A consistent finding of meptyldinocap is yellow urine staining, but is not considered adverse.
Not enough tests have been conducted to identify the human body systems that may be affected by meptyldinocap. However, it is a synthetic compound derived from a known toxin, and therefore must be assumed toxic to humans. Most pesticides of the same formulation target the kidneys and the liver, so it is likely that meptyldinocap may target the kidneys and liver as well.
Food items that may contain meptyldinocap are apples, pears, peaches, plums, strawberries, and grapes. Meptyldinocap is also used on vines, cucurbits, and other fruits.
Meptyldinocap is a flammable substance, and must not be exposed to heat or fire. It is acutely toxic when inhaled or ingested. Meptyldinocap is a skin sensitizer and may cause allergic skin reactions and dermal abrasions or rashes. Chemical containers must be closed tightly and kept in cool storage areas under lock and key. Protective gear and other work clothing contaminated by meptyldinocap should not be allowed out of the work area. Meptyldinocap should not be released into the environment because it has high toxicity levels on aquatic life forms and other wild environments.
Safety measures must always be taken when handling meptyldinocap. Always wear protective clothing and gear prior to entering the work area. Wear chemical gloves, boots, long-sleeved chemical suits or coveralls, and a full-head respirator with goggles / glasses. Make sure that the work area is well-ventilated. Keep a fire extinguisher nearby for accidental fires from meptyldinocap. This chemical should not be handled by unauthorized and untrained personnel.
Meptyldinocap may cause serious health risks. When inhaled, remove the victim and transfer him/her to fresh air. Keep them in a resting position to avoid physical stress, which may lead to respiratory difficulty. Administer oxygen or artificial respiration if the victim has difficulty breathing. Like most skin contact cases, immediately wash the affected area with soap and water. If rashes or dermabrasions occur, seek medical attention. Eye contact may result in severe damages. Flush the affected eye with water for at least 15 minutes. In case of ingestion, rinse mouth with water, and immediately contact emergency medical services.
For workplaces that handle toxic chemicals, make sure that there are existing supportive, protective, and symptomatic treatment materials to properly educate authorized and non-authorized personnel.
In case of spills, immediately clean up the area. Do not return spilled substance into the container. Do not reuse.
Meptyldinocap is a relatively new fungicidal compound that is used to treat fruit diseases.
Meptyldinocap can cause skin allergies, eye irritation, and respiratory difficulties.
Meptyldinocap must not be ingested nor inhaled.
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