Friday, June 30, 2017 by Jhoanna Robinson
Salsify is a root crop that is a member of the flowering dandelion family. Salsify also goes by the moniker “oyster plant” because it tastes like oysters after it has been cooked.
This vegetable is rarely found outside southern Europe, as conditions for growing salsify outside this area would not be favorable. You can hardly find any salsify in the United Kingdom; however, if you go to Germany, the Netherlands, and other southern European countries, you will notice an abundance of the plant.
With salsify’s high potassium content (15 percent of the daily recommended amount in a single serving) and its low sodium level, it has been proven that salsify can be the answer to blood pressure problems by relaxing the blood vessels, reducing cardiovascular system strain, and minimizing the chances of heart attacks, blood clots, and strokes. Potassium also contributes to strengthening bones, and is said to heighten cognitive ability – this is probably because of the increased blood flow to the brain that vasolidation can induce.
A single serving of salsify has almost 20 percent of your daily recommended amount of dietary fiber. Therefore, the ingestion of salsify can:
The fiber in salsify is in the form of insulin, which stimulates the growth of bifidobacteria in the gut, which in turn contributes to efficient nutrient absorption and an improved immune system.
The iron and copper in salsify stimulates the creation of red blood cells, which in turn leads to increased oxygenation in important tissues and organs, including the follicle beds. Copper is also said to delay the graying of the hair.
Salsify is good for developing bone tissue as it is rich in calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus.
Salsify is also good for addressing heart conditions. The potassium in salsify can lower the risk of death from ischemic heart disease.
The ingestion of salsify can bring about numerous benefits to the body like lowered blood pressure, increased metabolism, strengthened bone mineral density, and improved immune, circulation, and digestive systems.
Vitamin C, which is found in salsify, contributes to the health of teeth, connective tissues, and gums. Hair growth is also stimulated with the ingestion of vitamin C in salsify. Also, you can be protected from diseases and certain cancers because Vitamin C’s antioxidant properties get rid of harmful free radicals in the body.
Salsify can be boiled, cubed, mashed, roasted, sauteed, or mixed in soups, pasta sauces, and stews. Here are some recipes for you to try so you can enjoy eating salsify.
The fiber in salsify is in the form of insulin, which stimulates the growth of bifidobacteria in the gut.
Salsify is good for developing bone tissue as it is rich in calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus.
Salsify is also good for addressing heart conditions.
The ingestion of salsify can bring about numerous benefits to the body like lowered blood pressure, increased metabolism, strengthened bone mineral density, and improved immune, circulation, and digestive systems.
Vitamin C, which is found in salsify, contribute to the health of teeth, connective tissues, and gums.
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