Wednesday, June 21, 2017 by Jhoanna Robinson
Sardines are small and oily fish that take their name from the Italian island Sardinia, where particularly large schools of fish were found clustered back in ancient times, hence the island’s moniker. They belong to the Clupeidae family and are also known as pilchards in some places. More than 20 varieties of fish are sold as sardines in global markets. They can be easily caught in the oceans of the Atlantic and the Pacific, and the Mediterranean Sea.
Sardines are best when they are consumed fresh; however, since they are quick to perish, commercial industries prefer to have them canned. Spain, France, Portugal, and Norway lead the world in providing sardine canning services. It was French military and political leader Napoleon Bonaparte who introduced the idea of canning sardines as a way to maximize the rations that he was feeding the citizens over the lands that he presided over.
Sardines are rich in vitamin B12, which contributes to good cardiovascular health. This vitamin regulates the production of homocysteine, which can damage artery walls and bring about atherosclerosis. If left untreated, atherosclerosis can lead to more serious conditions such as heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular diseases.
Sardines are also an essential source of phosphorus, which can be important for the strengthening of the bone matrix. Another important nutrient found in sardines that can be good for the development of strong bones is vitamin D, as it aids in calcium absorption. Incidentally, vitamin D and calcium are good in preventing certain types of cancers, such as colorectal cancer.
Omega-3 fatty acids in sardines are good for the prevention of inflammation, for sharpening your memory, and for providing for the healthy functioning of the brain.
Ingesting sardines can prevent the onset of age-related macular degeneration, which can be common among people above 50 years old. A quick note: sardines are a good source of protein, which is essential for muscle-building.
Eating sardines regularly can be helpful in insulin resistance.
Selenium, which is important in eradicating free radicals and cushioning the organs from internal damage, can also be found in sardines.
A can of sardines can give you 2.69 milligrams of iron, which is good for strengthening the immune system.
The essential fats found in sardines work at maintaining very core of the cellular level in skin cells; this means that if you don’t have pimples, rashes, or blemishes, then proper cellular level activity in your skin cells is at its optimum.
Mix your chopped sardines with Dijon mustard, extra virgin olive oil, pressed garlic, and salt and pepper, and wash them down with lemon juice, and you’re in for a gastronomical treat. Here are some other recipes that you can try to have a satisfying and enjoyable sardine dish.
Sardines contribute to good cardiovascular health.
Sardines a re a good source of phosphorus, which is important for the strengthening of the bone matrix.
Omega-3 fatty acids in sardines are helpful in the prevention of inflammation, and for good memory.
Sardines are good for the immune system and for promoting health at the cellular level.
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