Saturday, July 22, 2017 by Frances Bloomfield
Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) are large, predatory fish that are most known for their long, sword-like upper bills. They can be found in most of the world’s seas and are fished for their firm, succulent flesh which is almost steak-like in texture. They can provide an impressive variety of minerals and vitamins; however, due to being an oil-rich fish, swordfish are best consumed in moderation.
Swordfish are loaded with:
Swordfish are excellent sources of protein for they contain 36 grams of the nutrient every six ounces. Protein is necessary for proper enzyme production and muscles, hair, and skin strengthening. Since the protein content in swordfish consists of high-quality protein, it comes with all of the essential amino acids.
Oil-rich fish are the best natural source of vitamin D, and swordfish is no different. A six-ounce serving can provide 949 international units or more than the entire daily recommended intake of vitamin D.
Swordfish contain an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as a decent ratio of omega-6 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids are crucial to maintaining a healthy body, but humans are unable to produce them naturally, making swordfish all the more beneficial.
Eating swordfish can stave off the symptoms of:
Because of their omega-3 fatty acid content, swordfish are a good choice of food for lowering the strain on the heart. Omega-3 fatty acids regulate blood pressure and lower inflammation and, as a result, make one less susceptible to developing atherosclerosis and hypertension.
One notable mineral in swordfish is magnesium, a nutrient that has been directly linked with enhancing the feeling of calmness, and the quality and duration of sleep. This means that swordfish can greatly reduce the chances of experiencing sleep disorders such as insomnia.
Note: swordfish, like many other long-lived fish that are high on the food chain, are known to contain mercury and should be avoided by children, and pregnant and lactating women.
Swordfish can be good for:
In addition to controlling blood pressure, swordfish assist the heart by providing the body with B-vitamins like vitamin B12, vitamin B9, and vitamin B3. These vitamins increase the amount of good or high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in the body, in turn reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Swordfish are good for the bones thanks to their abundance of selenium and moderate amounts of phosphorus and zinc. Just 106 g of swordfish can provide 93 percent of the recommended daily value of selenium, a mineral that makes the bones stronger and more durable.
Swordfish are best eaten as a steak, either marinated and grilled or coated in salt and pepper and pan-roasted. Since they are a flavorful, meaty, and somewhat fatty fish, there is little need to add too much to enhance the taste of swordfish.
Swordfish are a good source of protein, selenium, and vitamin D, and can be beneficial to the heart and bones because of their great nutritional value. However, swordfish are high in mercury, and should therefore be eaten in moderation by most people, and avoided by pregnant and lactating women, and children.
Sources include:
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