Friday, July 27, 2018 by Michelle Simmons
Taeniasis is a parasitic infection caused by the tapeworm species Taenia saginata (beef tapeworm), Taenia solium (pork tapeworm), and Taenia asiatica (Asian tapeworm). These parasites can be found in contaminated food and water. Thus, if an individual eats undercooked or raw beef or pork or drinks water that is contaminated with these tapeworms, the infection can occur. Poor hygiene and contact with contaminated stool can also cause the development of taeniasis.
Infections with beef tapeworm are usually seen in Eastern Europe, Russia, eastern Africa and Latin America, and are rare in the U.S. Infections due to pork tapeworm are more common in under-developed communities with poor sanitation and where people eat raw or undercooked pork. Meanwhile, infections due to Asian tapeworm is limited to Asian countries, mostly in the Republic of Korea, China, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Thailand.
The known signs of taeniasis include pain, sudden weight loss, blockage of the intestine, and digestive problems. In some cases, irritation in the perianal area, which is the area around the anus, can occur due to worm segments or eggs being expelled in the stool. Tapeworm infections can take between eight and 14 weeks to develop.
The body systems harmed by taeniasis are the immune, digestive, and the excretory systems.
Foods that can prevent taeniasis include wormwood, garlic, cloves, black walnut hulls, vegetables, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, papaya, green onions, pineapple, carrots, pumpkin seeds, fennel seed tea, fermented foods, and pungent spices such as cayenne, chilies, horseradish, turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom.
Home remedies for taeniasis and other tapeworm infections include the following:
Taeniasis is a parasitic infection caused by the tapeworms found in raw or undercooked pork and beef.
Taeniasis causes pain, sudden weight loss, blockage of the intestine, and digestive problems.
Taeniasis can be prevented with wormwood, garlic, cloves, black walnut hulls, vegetables, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, papaya, green onions, pineapple, carrots, pumpkin seeds, fennel seed tea, fermented foods, cayenne, chilies, horseradish, turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom.
Taeniasis can be treated naturally with papaya, pineapple, garlic, and pumpkin seeds.
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