Saturday, June 30, 2018 by Michelle Simmons
Teratoma is a type of germ cell tumor that is made up of several different types of tissue, such as hair, muscle, and bone. The word teratoma comes from the Greek words “teras” and “onkoma,” which means “monster” and “swelling,” respectively.
This tumor can be classified as mature or immature, depending on how normal the cells appear under a microscope, although sometimes teratomas are a combination of mature and immature cells. A mature teratoma is well-defined and cystic, while an immature teratoma is solid and malignant. Teratomas usually occur in the ovaries in women, the testicles in men, and the tailbone in children. Moreover, they may occur in the brain, spinal cord, chest, or abdomen. A teratoma may either be cancerous or non-cancerous.
The cause of germ cell tumors like teratomas is not completely understood. Although a number of inherited defects have also been associated with an increased risk for developing germ cell tumors including the central nervous system and genitourinary tract (reproductive and urinary organs) malformations, and serious malformations of the lower spine. In particular, men with cryptorchidism, which is described as the inability of the testes to descend into the scrotal sac, have an increased risk to develop testicular germ cell tumors. Cryptorchidism can occur alone, however, and is also present in some genetic syndromes, like those caused by extra or missing sex chromosomes.
The signs of teratoma vary depending on the size and location of the tumor. Teratomas in the ovaries can grow very large and can interfere with a fetus when a woman is pregnant. They can block blood flow to the fetus or actually steal blood flow from the fetus. In turn, this can result in health problems with the fetus and potentially kill the fetus. On the other hand, testicular teratomas typically first appear as a mass or lump on the testicles. A malignant teratoma in the mediastinum, which is located inside the front of the chest in the area that separates the lungs, causes chest pain or pressure, cough, fatigue, limited ability to tolerate exercise, and shortness of breath.
The body systems harmed by teratomas depend on the location of the tumor. It can harm the reproductive system, urinary system, nervous system, digestive system, or the respiratory system.
There is no information on what particular foods or nutrients prevent teratomas. However, there are foods that can prevent the development of cancer, such as garlic, broccoli, Brazil nuts, lemon, blueberries, artichokes, salmon, kiwifruit, scallions, and sauerkraut.
Treatments, management plans for teratoma
The treatment of teratoma involves removal of the tumor through surgery.
Teratoma is a type of germ cell tumor that is made up of several different types of tissue, such as hair, muscle, and bone.
The symptoms of teratoma may include a tumor, swelling, or mass, chest pain or pressure, cough, fatigue, limited ability to tolerate exercise, and shortness of breath.
The body systems harmed by teratoma depend on the location of the tumor. It can harm the reproductive system, urinary system, nervous system, digestive system, or the respiratory system.
Teratoma treatment involves removal of the tumor.
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