Wednesday, July 04, 2018 by Michelle Simmons
Tinnitus is often described as a ringing in the ears, but others have also likened the sound to roaring, clicking, hissing, or buzzing. The sound heard during tinnitus may vary – it could either be soft or loud, as well as high- or low-pitched. However, most reports indicate that the sound is a steady high-pitched ringing. The common causes of tinnitus are excessive or cumulative noise exposure, head and neck injuries, and ear infections.
Tinnitus is not an illness itself but a symptom of other conditions, including hearing loss, ear infection, ear wax buildup, loud noise exposure, ear trauma, certain medications, Meniere’s disease, brain tumors or other tumors near the ear, blood flow problems, pregnancy, anemia, and an overactive thyroid.
The side effects of tinnitus include extreme distress, depression, frequent mood swings, depression, anxiety attacks, tension, irritability, frustration, poor concentration, and sleeping problems.
The body system harmed by tinnitus is the auditory system.
There is no information on what foods or nutrients prevent tinnitus. However, there are herbal plants that can help treat the condition. These include the following:
Treatment options for tinnitus may include mind management, correcting posture, dental care, taking nutritional supplements, relieving anxiety, improving sleep habits, listening to therapeutic sounds, avoiding taking medications, and removing earwax. There are also ways to prevent tinnitus. These include avoiding smoking or using other tobacco products, avoiding drinking alcohol, and minimizing exposure to loud noises and sounds.
Tinnitus is often described as a ringing in the ears.
Tinnitus is a symptom rather than a disease.
Tinnitus is most often caused by damage to the cochlea or inner ear.
Due to the ringing sound that tinnitus causes, extreme distress, depression, frequent mood swings, depression, anxiety attacks, tension, irritability, frustration, poor concentration, and sleeping problems may occur.
Tinnitus can be prevented by avoiding exposure to loud noises.
Treatment options for tinnitus may include mind management, correcting posture, dental care, taking nutritional supplements, relieving anxiety, improving sleep habits, listening to therapeutic sounds, avoiding taking medications, and removing earwax.
Sources include:
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