Comments on: PEDOPHILE SEX RING AT PENN STATE? Sun, 16 Sep 2012 19:40:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: jon Sun, 16 Sep 2012 19:40:53 +0000 The Franklin Scandal and The Conspiracy of Silence exposed the Nebraska Pedophile ring that went all the way to the Reagan White House. A massive cover up went into action and it has now resurfaced at Penn State. Pa is one of the most corrupt states in the U.S. Of course a PEDOPHILE RING exists and Jerry Sandusky was protected for a lifetime of serially RAPING boys.It was a known fact and tolerated.All should go to jail.But the network boasts politicians, lawyers , teachers , school adminnistrators judges, doctors, influential businessmen and clergy and many who are complicit in the business of PEDOPHILIA.It is a tri state ring New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.If this isn’t covered by the mass media we are finished as a country.
