Comments on: Nazis, Nixon, Rockefeller, and Watergate Sun, 12 Jun 2016 20:49:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: silverpen123 Sun, 12 Jun 2016 20:49:22 +0000 It seems to me that Trump is just the man for the job, being a corporate man all the way. Not that Clinton is much better with the Clinton history and socialist agenda. I fear whoever is in office, we are screwed. So who cares?
I will do what I’ve always done. Live my life taking care of me and mine, not following any crowd, gleaning info as I can to arm myself, not believing anything govt or systems say – in fact know that’s my que to find the opposite to root out the truth. I may not know the ins and outs or whys and wherefores, but I know enough to steer clear. Such as knowing the connection of Bayer and IG Farben, through your site. Mental note: don’t trust big pharma, and understand my doctor doesn’t have a clue (obviously because I have had to diagnosed my family for him using the techniques from my childhood doctor before 1970s) it’s apparant that Nazi Germany has taken a new form, and still alive and well.
Why hasn’t anyone said as much? Do we need more data to show ill intent? I don’t. Run first, ask questions later. The black men I have known taught me that survival tactic in a white man’s world.
