Comments on: CNN GOES PSYCHOTIC ON BIN LADEN, VACCINES Wed, 20 Feb 2013 15:12:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tarik Opalusan-EL Wed, 20 Feb 2013 15:12:32 +0000 Hey Jon:
Awesome stuff here as per usual. Relentless and on the duckets.
I finally got it together and want to send you the Research COMPENDIUM on the A.I.D.S. Fraud!! I have been working on since the early 2000s!
I really think it is fine tribute to You, Dr. Willner, Dr..Duesberg, and ALL the 5000+ Dissenters of this massive multi trillion dollar pHARMAceutical/MegaloMedia Hiest and Mass murder perpetrated on the world!! Al connected to Zbigs and Kissingers Trilateral Global 2000 Report to the President The whole Globalization and NWOdor thing was readily explained by Aaron Russo when he found out from the Rockyboy friend he thought he had, Send me the address where I can send you the Compendium!!
[…] Gr8 to have you on the front lines against these Monsters=human beings, see LAW dictionary!
Peace and Blessings

Tarik Opalusan-EL
aka Ricard
