Comments on: How Swine Flu Was Invented
NoMoreFakeNews.comSun, 01 Mar 2020 15:14:11 +0000
By: Mehmet
Sat, 09 Apr 2016 06:52:25 +0000 reading – wonderful insight into a world-wide scare for the masses which I always suspected reeked greatly of untruth and manipulation
By: Zuzana
Sat, 18 Jul 2015 08:40:48 +0000 had my heart surgery done in 2007, i live well since, however my heart is weak, any flu gets me really bad, i have learned to stay home and recover properly before i ever think of work time, but since flu jabs were introduced in UK, it was blessing to me as i didnt have to suffer every winter experiencing flu over and over again. when swine flu came out, i was working in the bank and of course one of our client came to talk 4 of us that day and we all got ill. i was soooo ill, i truly felt for days that those days were my last days. i remember my close friend calling taxi getting me to her house carried up the stairs, i remember her looking after me for days and nights before i finally felt better again, i can confirm that it took my body and heart 2 months to recover, chest pain was strong for weeks on and weakness was enormous. i believe lot of people died of that virus as they had nobody to help them, and generally people’s bodies are overworked and overstressed to otherwise cope with any virus with no problem. it felt amazing not have to deal with any flu since…until i moved to florida and i forgot is winter time…and forgot my vaccine call (back in UK) and since that winter – my miserable 2 weeks feeling so bad i will never forget to take vaccine again. i do not believe all vaccines are bad, is what you have to deal with regarding greediness and ego from those who do not know any better. i believe no vaccine i would need for rest of my life in the first place if i did watch my body and soul – i wish i knew better, but i didnt. i wouldnt work 3 jobs, drink 20 coffees a day and sleep 4 hours while years pass by killing myself for money as i thought that means success. i would be dead otherwise, my wake up call was my heart. money means nothing to me…i live my life and get one vaccine a year to remind myself that this time i do well for myself. love yourself, god will love you too x
By: Richie
Thu, 07 May 2015 08:49:33 +0000 Signs Or Symptoms of Swine Flu
By: Noah Figg
Mon, 11 Aug 2014 20:37:40 +0000“Hog production is dirty business and unethical.” I don’t argue with the ethics of totally horrible, dirty and unnatural environments for animals, but this statement is too general to be true. Production of hogs can be done well or poorly. Many in the permaculture movement know and use practices that make the hog a part of the environment it naturally inhabits. Stationary, feed-lot type production is destructive to health and environment, plus the health and psychology of the animals. They could be healthily raised in a natural pollution-free environment, but when its only about “production” and profit from production, the consumer, workers, the animals, and the surrounding environment that determines the health conditions of all concerned are the last considerations. Small, healthy, and ethical hog farms definitely exist and can be run, but again its not the giant corporate model for squeezing pennies out of the environment via machines and poisons that is the dominant one.
By: Michael Burns
Sat, 05 Oct 2013 03:59:32 +0000 that’s a tale. Good piece Jon well put together.
I did some checking on Smithfield and Granjas Carroll de Mexico seems they have been in constant violation of environmental laws. Hog production is dirty business and unethical.
Michael Burns
By: Paul
Sat, 30 Jun 2012 13:58:25 +0000 article – I dont see that any of the testing provides evidence that pathogenic viruses exist at all! a complete fabrication!