Comments on: A MESSAGE TO MY READERS Thu, 12 Jul 2012 00:36:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Thu, 12 Jul 2012 00:36:38 +0000 Don’t you dare stop writing and maintaining your website!!! Many others like myself rely upon and bounce ideas off your sharp wit and unbridled sentiments. Your valuable contributions resonate with untold 1,000′s of souls across this planet every day – and you are very much loved and appreciated in many circles. Let not anyone ever say that you, Jon Rappoport, were a quitter.

By: John Thu, 12 Jul 2012 00:34:55 +0000 Don’t you dare stop writing and maintaining your website!!! Many others like myself rely upon and bounce ideas off your sharp wit and unbridled sentiments. Your valuable contributions resonate with untold 1,000’s of souls across this planet every day – and you are very much loved and appreciated in many circles. Let not anyone ever you say that you, Jon Rappoport, were a quitter.
