Comments on: Did James Holmes have a doctor? Fri, 09 Nov 2012 05:27:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Fri, 09 Nov 2012 05:27:21 +0000 I see that James Holmes refers to dysphoric mania in a reference to friends. Bright individual, no history of violence, creates an act that is similiar to what I would expect from an adverse drug reaction, such as Halcion would create, another drug with multiple murder suicide events.

By: sara Sat, 18 Aug 2012 03:30:05 +0000 I think drugs the doctor gave James Holmes messed up his brain.

By: prion Mon, 06 Aug 2012 01:26:13 +0000 This was the first question I also asked when I heard news of the shooting and heard that Holmes was a doctoral candidate. The first thought that came to mind was “Oh geez what drugs is he on and is his behavior a side effect of the psychotropic drug”. A lot of people are loners but not all loners could go out planning to kill people the way that Holmes did. They need some chemical courage to push them over that edge along with a lack of a support system that’s not there to reprimand them. In the media I hear everything about Holmes’ behavior (which can be made subjective) rather than his medical history. Your account of his psychiatrist is a realistic one because no one wants to be made accountable and deal with the media’s scrutiny. I just wish they would reveal the drugs that he was on because that would be another piece of the puzzle to better explain why he did what he did. Use science. Not politics.

I work at a retail pharmacy in an affluent suburb of Texas where the psychotropic drugs you mentioned above fly off the shelves like hotcakes. I feel they are over-prescribed by physicians and not much attention is spotlighted on the side effects of the drugs. Very few people read up on the side effects and most of them that do take them with a grain of salt. The fear-provoking thing is that these people who take these drugs also have handgun licenses and act bat shit crazy when their medications are not covered on their insurance or refilled by their doctors on time. They are unnaturally aggressive and as a result their body stresses itself out raising their blood pressure which means…blood pressure medicine (& most of them aren’t that fit in the first place either). Point is, psychotropic drugs do more hurt than harm because of their side effects on the brain which regulate behavior. But let’s be ignorant and shove that under the rug until the next massacre occurs. Stupid media.

By: Nicole Fri, 27 Jul 2012 08:54:02 +0000 Thank you for posting this.

I have been on ssri, and they’ve destroyed many years of my life. I’ve been so fucked up because of them. Everything got much worse after taking ssri. My personality changed dramatically. I didn’t recognize my own feelings or thought anymore. I became a stranger to myself. The problem is also that the medicine can remain in your body and give these symptoms long after you stop taking them. I quit them many years ago, but I still feel a lot of “brain noise” and I’m struggling with getting out of it. It’s so scary. Nowhere to run.

By: maulfair Wed, 25 Jul 2012 22:15:25 +0000 Thank you Jon, our medical center sees people who are so happy to have an answer to help problems without the use of these drugs. Psychiatric drugs and the practice itself is malpractice and needs to be avoided. All of your readers needs to spread your message far and wide. It is up to us to stop this – I am so tired of feeling heart broken for all the lives touched by violence but also the dreams dashed because the drugs taken cause apathy and disfunction. I will look forward to your articles thanks again

By: Anonymous Wed, 25 Jul 2012 04:58:57 +0000 You need to take your medicine

By: Anonymous Tue, 24 Jul 2012 18:21:48 +0000 This article is totally on point regarding the dangers of psychiatric drugs. And it specifically details how a person can be permanently damaged both mentally and physically by these drugs. The question I have is what would have to happen for a close relative who lost a loved one in the attack to be able to obtain an attorney both brave and brilliant enough to convince a brave and brilliant judge to compel disclosure of Holmes mental history in the larger more valid issue of public safety versus privacy and commercial viability of psychiatrists and psychiatric drug manufacturers?

By: Doctr Sally (@Doctrsally) Tue, 24 Jul 2012 17:28:09 +0000 So how do we go about finding out what meds he was on in a timely manner? No information is ever given to the public about what meds deranged killers are on. The only reason the public found out about Pheobe Prince’s meds was b/c Bazeion printed it, or no one would still know. Toxicology reports were NEVER released. The salon shooter, also on meds. What was Jeremiah Wright on when he cut off his kid’s head? PSTD meds? Melissa Huckaby, on seven meds for shoplifting. Look at Lohan, Spears, lives destroyed by these meds.

By: Deadmansvitamin Tue, 24 Jul 2012 11:07:02 +0000 Excellent report. You’ve definitely done your homework.

Thank you!

By: chris b Tue, 24 Jul 2012 00:49:17 +0000 great article, I saw on cnn that james holmes was addicted to the same drug that the joker actor died from a few years ago, I think it was vicadin. You need a scrip for that. who wrote it? I also understand that he worked at mcdonalds and applied for welfare, so where did the money come from for all the weapons and military/swat gear? I’m just guessing but he was outfitted with a few thousand dollars worth of hardware. I work full time and its hard in this economy to save that kind of money.
I also thought of another strange tidbit going along with the batman cartoon from the 80’s showing a guy shooting up a theater. In the cartoon the guy goes into a porn theater, connection-big american porn star John Holmes, same as the shooter, james holmes, also the media tells us his only web fingerprint is an adultfriend finder page, which is basicly a porn site. just a strange connection.
