Comments on: WERE THE BATMAN MURDERS A COVERT OP? Mon, 01 Oct 2012 17:35:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: DaintyDrew Mon, 01 Oct 2012 17:35:27 +0000 It is another case of an individual being a patsy for the guilty to get away scotch free. This could be a government operation to supply them with a case to say our right to bear arms should be eliminated. James Holmes father is also a very very very important man who has cause to be framed so it could also be a situation of black mail. If you look at the history of events like this you see that the government has every chance to do these things and get away with it. Case in point the RFK assassination where Sirhan Sirhan has major similarities to that of James Holmes, referring to his drug induced state and lack of memory of the event. They both acted as if they had no real perception of what was going on. The only difference is witnesses say they saw Sirhan with a gun around RFK when he was shot and in the ‘Batman Massacre’ case James Holmes was never reported to have been seen inside the movie theater by anyone and apparently has not been seen on video surveillance cameras of the Century 16 theater, because if he was that is clear proof he was at least the shooter which no one is even remotely sure of if he ever fired a shot.

By: Anonymous Sun, 29 Jul 2012 00:45:10 +0000 Read the book Programmed to Kill The Politics of Serial Murder by David McGowan! This whole story sounds like something lifted straight out of the book. This has happend MANY times before.

By: godsfingers Thu, 26 Jul 2012 11:37:28 +0000 Good job drawing out more details than I was in my posting, I could only suggest. Now all we need is for Jack Ruby to show up….

By: Snowbird777 Thu, 26 Jul 2012 08:20:13 +0000 Excellent point about suicide. That is often the way these ops end, with the target of interest silenced, and its all a nice tidy package… its then handed off to the media to steer attention to other side issues, like how many bullets he had, etc… The real monsters in these things are usually afraid of the light.

By: k Thu, 26 Jul 2012 04:10:49 +0000 Here is more that doesn’t add up—> EXCLUSIVE: Movie massacre suspect sent chilling notebook to psychiatrist before attack | Fox News via @foxnews There are so many red flags here. Why would this psych think this first pkg was from suspect but then it wasn’t and then why would that lead the cops to go check the mail room and low and behold find some pkg that had set there for a week that WAS from the suspect! Oh I could go on and on. The details that the Fox source revealed are very different from what the police say plus how conveinent that FBI says “we have a gag order and can’t answer anything”.

Then how about all these police shooting people that of course are causing riots and then the same day Bloomberg comes out and says there should be a national police strike until gun laws change–All this stuff in just the last week!

By: Susan Thu, 26 Jul 2012 02:27:07 +0000 The picture of the deranged orange haired guy they have in custody does NOT look like the same man that they have pictured normally, the nose, eyes and mouth are all different. They are NOT the same!!! This vid is only 26 seconds long, take a look:

Read some of the comments, she made the comment that Timothy McVeigh asked them to remove the chip in his brain because it hurt. Hmmm…..

By: Meryl Wed, 25 Jul 2012 03:15:05 +0000 Thank you for laying this out so succinctly. While my heart absolutely goes out to the victims and their families, it has been very troubling to me that with so many unanswered questions, and with so much of what is known that just doesn’t add up, the vast majority is so willing to simply move this along and sentence “the murderous maniac” to death. It seems clear to me that there is much more to this story that should be uncovered, but probably never will be.

I understand that people just need to punish the perpetrator in the aftermath of such a horrific event, (isn’t that how we were so easily and blindly led into a war with Iraq after 911?). I just hope that James Holmes doesn’t become yet another victim without a proper and complete investigation into the actual facts, and that this veil of secrecy that immediately, and so effectively, surrounded this investigation is lifted.

By: NM_Lonewolf Wed, 25 Jul 2012 00:31:43 +0000 I would be surprised if he don’t end up dead while in police custody, by “suicide” somehow like others in the past BEFORE being tried.
