Comments on: HOLMES: MKULTRA ASSASSIN? PATSY? PSYCHIATRIC CASUALTY? Mon, 01 Jun 2015 21:33:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Elise Mon, 01 Jun 2015 21:33:57 +0000 What I Remember From My own State Of Iowa, In Iowa City, Iowa: A Creepy Empty Brick House, That Looked Like A Witches House, Near A School That I Went To Many Years Ago, Named Roosevelt Elementary School, At The Top Of A Hill In Iowa City, Iowa, A Student Named Drew There Also, Who Got Slammed Into The Gym’s Wall There, One Day, From The Bad Attitude Gym Teacher, For “MOUTHING OFF”, But Still, THAT Was VERY ABUSIVE For A Grown Adult Teacher, To Do THAT To THAT Kid Drew, Who Was Probably Less Than 100 Pounds, Unlike The Bad Attitude Gym Teacher Who Was Probably Well Over 100 Pounds, Generally Speaking. NOT Nice At All. Another Student Named Pearl Yates, Or Whatever, A Teacher Named Mrs. Carlston, Or Whatever, And Another Teacher Named Mrs. Miller, I Think. I Cannot Remember Either Teachers First Names, OR The Gym Teachers Name Either. The Name Of The School Was Roosevelt Elementary School, In Iowa City, Iowa, Or Whatever……..I Wonder Where Pearl Yates Is Now?? Gym Teachers Should NOT Slam Kids Into Walls At All. School IS Such A Place Of Social Control, ISN’T It Though??

By: Patty Pace Thu, 13 Sep 2012 15:35:13 +0000 Scolpamine, Devil’s breath.

By: mas mfundishi (@atomic004m) Tue, 14 Aug 2012 07:12:06 +0000 Thank you Mr. Rappoport,
I also agree with your views on the mind control projects, and yes, “know” the technology is far surpassing that with which people have been led to know.Please continue your quest for answers! I suspect and hope the truth will come to light! I have yet been able to present the factuality of my knowledge of the matter, other than my physical pressence. No this is not a joke! I have been tryimg to get attention to Portland,OR. I am the newest project to date that I know of. Currently a victim of a mind control/variation there of.

Thank you for your time!

By: Unsheepled (@unsheepled1) Tue, 31 Jul 2012 21:40:05 +0000 Like many in the pit of evil that is the military industrial complex, some of these luciferians sacrifice their own kids. Or maybe there were so many levels of deception that he thought it was a part of an ‘act”. I do not think we will ever be told anything close to the truth in this land of perma-matrix. People do not want to know anyway. Give them their “radials, toasters and color tv”….anything but THINK
