Comments on: THE BATMAN OP EXPANDS: YOU SHOT THOSE PEOPLE Fri, 03 Aug 2012 14:19:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cashmere Fri, 03 Aug 2012 14:19:20 +0000 It’s just to bad people don’t want to believe it has come this far! Everyone would rather think we are crazy than think they want controll over every part of our lives

By: Will Fri, 03 Aug 2012 04:48:15 +0000 Wow. Yeah I think you nailed where the rhetoric is going to attempt to take us. At first I thought you were a bit off target, but I think you’re just seeing farther down the chain of causality. They even have their secondary fall guy (after Holmes) in Fenton who can scapegoat all the animosity towards psychiatric treatment, while simultaneously being an example for stricter and more encompassing watchfulness.

To bad Vegas doesn’t have a line on this. I think I’d take it.
