Comments on: FACT OR FICTION: HOLMES’ FATHER TO TESTIFY; JAMES HOLMES PHOTOS DON’T MATCH Fri, 07 Jun 2013 01:33:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eric Otto Fri, 07 Jun 2013 01:33:51 +0000 Appreciate this. I’ve been seeing or people posting that there was a Libor connection with Robert Holmes and FICO. I don’t see any thing where FICO had anything to do with it because they are like Equafax.Congress wasn’t in session at the time of the shooting nor was there a hearing scheduled as far as I can tell about the Libor at that time. That is just a rough search. I don’t know who Christopher King is but thanks for the tip.

By: Rosie Mon, 17 Dec 2012 04:33:36 +0000 Have you seen this? Not able to find a source since prior to Fabian4Liberty:

By: Adam Adamson Mon, 01 Oct 2012 04:16:42 +0000 I have no “inside” info at all! But why isn’t Robert Holmes talking? Does anyone know how to contact him?

He should seek pretection if he’s going to testify on anything like this, and it would vastly effect how his son is viewed by any court or prison, if he affirms his son was likely used by others to stop his testimony. Or he should assert the story is bunk… to sell conspiracy books maybe?

Also, wasn’t James only semi-coherent when picked up, waiting by the theater? – not what a gunman would do, he’d get away fast! I heard he doesn’t remember the event. Is it true? When can we know?

(Meanshile I await your news on this, or other sources. It’s odd how the story exploded fast, then vanished. I also first saw it from Jack Blood, who seems to thrive on sensationalism.)

By: Elizabeth Manuel Fri, 28 Sep 2012 15:37:03 +0000 Please forward to dr Fenton who hesitated to diagnose schizophrenia in James Holmes as he is NOT schizophrenic and is showing TEMPORAY psychosis due to discontinuation syndrome.

I am attempting to raise awareness of discontinuation syndrome and I believe James Holmes suffered temporary psychosis due to consumption and then abrupt withdrawal from valium. The blood-brain barrier of autism sufferers has increased permeability and therefore drugs have an increased effect in these patients so if James IS autistic then the likelihood of him suffering severe symptoms from both taking AND withdrawing from valium are vastly increased.

Side effects (including delirium) from consumption of valium which James WAS taking:

Valium withdrawal/discontinuation syndrome symptoms, including temporary PSYCHOSIS (note that impaired cognitive function can last for SIX MONTHS after withdrawal). I hardly think James will have continued to take valium throughout the entire period of his delirium (delirium caused by his initial CONSUMPTION of valium) so I think it is safe to assume he HAS gone through an abrupt valium withdrawal: (this link deals specifically with a lady with NO prior mental health issues other than anxiety suffering severe discontinuation syndrome from valium post-op)

Please note the fact that gastrointestinal symptoms are also part of the symptoms of valium withdrawal and I understand James has complained of ‘stomach ache’ to his prison guards indicating he IS in fact showing signs of suffering from these gastrointestinal withdrawal symptoms as well as the temporary psychosis and cognitive dysfunction?

This is a reference to the increased blood-brain barrier permeability in those with autism whilst I’m at it.

People keep pointing out that James stockpile of weapons prove his sanity, this is an incredibly common misconception of how the brain works. Planning requires little higher cognitive functioning, squirrels stockpile nuts and they are not capable of considering right from wrong. People play instruments while sleep-walking whilst unable to consciously control any of their actions.

James showed cognitive dysfunction PRIOR to college refusals (HENCE the refusals) and WITHDREW a college application himself as he began to suffer the effects of the valium so the idea he became psychotic because of failed college applications does not add up given the facts.

I have seen temporary psychosis from SSRI withdrawal before, symptoms included PSYCHOTIC RAGE, HALLUCINATIONS and SEIZURES. The patient fully recovered within six weeks of the withdrawal (although valium withdrawal symptoms can last six months as detailed in the links above).

Please pass on this information to everyone you think may benefit – if they execute this boy they are executing another innocent VICTIM of these dangerous ‘medications’ and failing to highlight this issue will cause the death of thousands more in the future, namely those who will become the inevitable victims of drug-induced ‘withdrawal psychosis’. If the bereaved families turn their attentions to those who are truly to blame (the drug companies who KNOW of these symptoms and actively play them down to avoid loss of profits) they will SAVE countless lives by raising awareness of the facts surrounding certain drugs. These links shed a little more light on WHY the SCIENTIFIC FACTS about these drugs are just not filtering down to ground level workers/psychiatrists!

By: pollyann Sat, 04 Aug 2012 19:54:18 +0000 Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot Productions dot org states in her blog that she believes Jack Blood first broke the story about LIBOR and Robert Holmes. I don’t know if that is valid or if you already checked that source.After all I have studied on this case I don’t think the person (James) they have in jail with the red/orange/yellow hair is one of the assassins.
Listen to the police scanner reports from that morning of the 20th. Maybe you already did. If they are accurate, they are very telling, too.
