Comments on: Mental disorders do not exist Mon, 11 Nov 2019 20:40:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Clark Mon, 11 Nov 2019 20:40:05 +0000 You are 110% correct, Jon. Psychiatry is a pseudoscience through and through.

By: ME Wed, 31 Jan 2018 09:50:53 +0000 The serotonin myth was made up by big pharma. There are no tests for arbitrary psych tawddle, thus no disease. I don’t see any proof for your claims in the complexities of brain study & facts, beyond some trumped up propaganda paid for & attempted to be passed off as research by those with an agenda to do so. Peoples complex personal responses have a great deal more to do with environmental scenarios & social political control. Domination, oppression, abuse, brainwashing, experiences outside codified norms… There are many factors possibly at play, as well as a truckload of corruption in pseudo medical practice.

By: Lyerr Fri, 12 Jan 2018 12:54:40 +0000 Yea, u can tell a therapist anything u want to get what u want, they dont know…..but what the do know is that they want your money….and if u have Medicaid they’ll star throwing “Mental Diseases ” at you

By: Neuroscience PhD M.D. Wed, 19 Apr 2017 21:35:50 +0000 Not chemically proven? *Cough* low serotonin in depression *Cough*. There are literally fucking blood tests for this shit.

By: Violet Cas Wed, 19 Apr 2017 21:32:37 +0000 Then how do you explain physical changes in the body, such as low levels of serotonin in depression? If all mental illnesses don’t exist then why do many of them have recordable tangible attributes? It has been proven that the brain is physically changed when under a mental disease, everything psychological is biological. There is proof your head is just too far your own ass to acknowledge real facts vs your own opinion. There is a blood test available that indicates neurotransmitter levels. – Sincerely a Neuroscience Ph.D. and Neurology M.D. (If there’s any mental illness skeptic it should be me, my education trained me to marry evidence and disregard any kind of illness unless provided medical grade diagnosis).

By: Nurit Jemima Mon, 05 Dec 2016 19:30:53 +0000 You just practiced mindfucking…. talking out of your asshole. Of course science isn’t finished or fully caught up. You spent paragraph or sentence after sentence rambling about complete and utter horseshit. POINT BLANK mental distress is a part of being human in society. HOWEVER the distress is not chemically proven. Delusions, mood shifts, sadness, anxiety, hearing voices, believeing in spirit guides… laughable and odd…. dangerous feelings/thoughts…. all that exists but prescribing a pill does nothing but keep people where they are. Psychiatry is designed to disable a normal person. To frighten. To cause harm…. to put a sock in the mouth of someone who knows the truth and is healthy. The DSM is a real book, but it’s a book full of horseshit. You can’t possibly rely on someone you don’t even know. Go to a hospital. The psychiatrist doesn’t know anything about your life, your genetics, your patterns of thought, or potential. This is a fucking joke, ending soon.

By: Nurit Mon, 05 Dec 2016 19:17:20 +0000 No studies have been done. Where’s the scientific evidence. You sound like [someone who] doesn’t know how to make money properly. Do you work out? Are you getting enough healthy fats? What is your observation? Do you have good listening skills? You aren’t allowed to be a doctor if you aren’t good with people. You have to be able to tick all the boxes. A big oven awaits.

By: dilettante jiko Sat, 01 Oct 2016 21:09:55 +0000 I completely and fully agree with you on this. It’s like the media and powerful wealthy people took advantage of this industry of psychiatry and are just using it as an excuse to make money on things they label as mental disorders. When people say it’s all in their head, you really gotta listen to those people 🙂

By: dilettante jiko Sat, 01 Oct 2016 21:07:53 +0000 a physical illness is a lot different than behavior, you’re getting the point confused @Julia

By: Denise Green Sat, 24 Sep 2016 08:55:46 +0000 I am in totally agreement with you on that. There is no such thing as mental disorders at all!
