Comments on: JAMES HOLMES’ PSYCHIATRIST LAWYERS UP Mon, 20 Aug 2012 02:34:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Andrea Swan Mon, 20 Aug 2012 02:34:52 +0000 I really enjoy your website. A week or so ago I saw on photographs of Holmes — before and after the shooting, after the shooting with the Joker’s red hair. They were two different people, obviously — two different noses, hair a different color and type, a different skin tone, etc. Are you aware of this?

By: Larry Bone Wed, 15 Aug 2012 03:26:35 +0000 Michael Benjamin wrote an opinion piece published in the New York Post today, August 14th, entitled “Help Them Before They Kill,” alleging that mentally ill shooters would not kill if they received “helpful” psychiatric treatment before committing homicides.

Mr. Benjamin fails to notice that the mentally ill who commit homicides usually have always received help in the form of “psychiatric treatment” BEFORE commiting multiple homicides. It’s almost as if “help” in the form of psychiatric treatment is a predisposing factor to these homicides.

John Holmes was apparently receiving psychiatric treatment from a University of Colorado psychiatrist named Dr. Lynne Fenton. Apparently the patient outcome from such treatment was 12 homicides.

Doctor/patient confidentiality laws are being used to protect psychiatrists like Dr. Fenton from the public finding out the nature of the treatment administered, if blackbox warning antidepressants or antipsychotics were administered, how much prescribed and if multiple drugs in either category and for how long.

What this usually leads to is that psychiatric treatment actually seems to increase the chances a mentally unstable person will more likely commit multiple homicides and then suicide.

It would seem psychiatric treatment puts the general public much more at risk for such episodes occurring, not less.

So when the finance industry was engaging in practices harmful to the public, financial industry reform was instituted. Same with the banking industry.

If Mr. Benjamin really wanted to make it safer for people to go to the movies, or safer for students to attend a university or safer for tourists to walk in Times Square, he would call for thorough investigation and reform of the psychiatric and pharmaceutical industries.

By: V.E.G. Mon, 13 Aug 2012 17:15:39 +0000 There is the worst case than the Batman killer: Gameel Hamed Al-Batouti. Gameel killed 217 people including himself, in the worst mass murder by one man in peacetime history of the world.

By: Authorities Look For Clues Into Sikh Temple Shooting Sat, 11 Aug 2012 01:02:44 +0000 […] […]
