Comments on: OBAMA AND ROMNEY ADORE THE THIRD LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH IN AMERICA Wed, 05 Sep 2012 01:11:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: ironcloudz Wed, 05 Sep 2012 01:11:11 +0000 Barack needs a few giggles after targeting drone strikes all day. Imperial murder and plunder is an exhausting enterprise.

By: Hippocrates460 Mon, 03 Sep 2012 14:27:24 +0000 Are you sure Obama and Romney are “clueless”, Jon? Looks more like they are on board with the globalist totalitarian agenda.

By: Joseph Robertson Sat, 01 Sep 2012 15:18:15 +0000 Wow, thanks for this one Jon. Just like Dragnet ….”Just the facts”
Lets see if anyone pays attention or prefers to say in Oz or plugged into the Matrix.

By: Patrick Jordan Fri, 31 Aug 2012 22:33:15 +0000 Hi Jon,

Superb post as usual. I would like for everyone to consider the trifecta that you outlined that iatrogenic disease/death as Bronze to the Gold and Silver of Heart Disease and Cancer may be different than how that is spun as well.

The W.H.O. ignored me completely when I outed their 1972 Memos on how to create kidney disease via vaccines masquerading as infectious disease research in favor of attacking the host of the internet radio show that I contributed to. I guess they only wish to discredit MDs instead of scrapping with the 98-pound weakling that exposed them. So, if I were to promote my own work on Serum Sickness being the ROOT CAUSE OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE then it would probably fall into the same deafening yawn because I am not a Lettered Man. That doesn’t matter. There are medical doctors who have gone on record to say that vaccines cause the Serum Sickness damage common in cardiovascular disease so folks can look that up for themselves. They can also research the Special Virus Cancer Program; simply LISTEN to a Gardasil ad (viruses cause cancer? who knew?) or read the PDR to see that vaccines haven’t been tested in the past 100 years to see if they do what they are already known to do: CAUSE CANCER. How can you not have started a viral plague with Henrietta Lacks’ cervical IMMORTAL CELLS after they were injected into MILLIONS of people?

So, and, therefore, Heart Disease, Cancer and iatrogenic death are not separate categories subject to ranking. THEY ARE A CONTINUUM of the same M.O. of a military industry that has an exceptional way of disposing of who they consider The Enemy while getting said Enemy to pay for their own disposal.
