Comments on: AMERICA’S LEADING PSYCHIATRIST CONVICTS HIMSELF OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY Fri, 14 Sep 2012 00:19:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ian MacLeod Fri, 14 Sep 2012 00:19:30 +0000 There are also many psychiatrists and psychologists who are guilty of participating in torture and government-sponsored mind-control experiments. Many if not most of the older ones (and maybe it’s still this way) use children who are either kidnapped from hospitals, or who’ve been “legitimately” transferred from legitimate facilities into DARPA and other government labs, where they are abused so badly, their minds will NEVER be what they might have been. Some escape somehow, sometimes, and manage to find actual therapy; some don’t.

These fake healers need to be tried and sent to prison at the VERY LEAST! Why? Well, one mind-control/programming technique is to sexually or otherwise abuse a person (that means torture – real torture in one case it included near-plastic level cutting on a woman’s genitalia that altered the shape drastically – without anesthesia) until the mind splits off a partial personality that can be trained and programmed to do about anything – assassination,even though the whole person hates and fears guns and so on.

This is EVIL. So is a large chunk of the government.


By: Lynda Franchino Fri, 07 Sep 2012 05:05:41 +0000 Excellent piece!!!! I’ve been saying for years that someone (gov’t?) is trying to get us all on drugs to make us easier to control. Big Pharma makes a fortune in the process which is why they are in bed together. I’m appalled at the numbers of people I run into constantly claiming they have ADHD and/or BiPolar, and that’s their excuse for not being responsible for their own actions. Interesting also is that most of those folks are NON-smokers! I miss the America I grew up in…..we were mentally stronger and healthier and just overall nicer to each other. My drug of choice is tobacco and I’m healthier than most of the people I know and work with. Go figure!

By: MO Tue, 04 Sep 2012 22:27:27 +0000 Excellent Article,

By: Anonymous Tue, 04 Sep 2012 02:38:28 +0000 The article is somewhatsurprising, BUT, It is fitting right in with other information disclosures I have seen by renowned MEDICAL and SCIENTIFIC experts about the GREEDY CARELESS SINS of BIG GREEDY PHARMA. Its about time this info is getting out to the public in ANY kind of publication. I do not expect to see this article published by ANY of the BIG GREEDY $$$ MEDIA CARTELS. MY salute and THANKS to all concerned with this disclosure and publishing. SALUTE

By: elpfeifer Tue, 04 Sep 2012 00:18:34 +0000 A lot of what they are saying is Paranoid Delusions are not really delusions, like for example, anyone who is put on a watch/harassment list is told to “see a psychiatrist” if they complain about it, so there are thousands of people being forcefully medicated with things like Risperidol, who are not mentally ill. Psychiatry is the shadow government.
