Comments on: Have US Officials agreed to “clean routes” for Mexican drugs into America? Thu, 13 Jun 2013 05:49:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Thu, 13 Jun 2013 05:49:46 +0000 WOW WHAT A SURPRISE

By: Person Mon, 10 Jun 2013 23:42:22 +0000 Seems pretty simple to me. The people who do get busted are either on their own, or working with the organizations that are low enough on the food chain/ not vetted by the gov’t. So your average smuggler out to make a profit, all the way up to members of the smaller cartels, often get popped, because they either don’t know enough about concealment or have already been snitched on by larger cartels, etc. Whereas the really large, profitable shipments are able to make it right on through those same checkpoints, or use routes that aren’t monitored by agencies tasked with “protecting” these routes from drugs.

But yeah, eventually, after someone has been made to take the fall, the moderate-large (but unvetted) shipments will add up, at which point the CIA will sell them back to the cartels that they’re in bed with, at 100% profit. After all, there’s no oversight on that organization, and who in their right mind would ask to make sure that those drugs are all still being kept? Nobody, because on the face of the issue, it seems preposterous that they wouldn’t destroy it or use it for anything other than evidence. And if you do try and call them on it, you’re unpatriotic and will have your character destroyed, thus rendering you impotent once more.

By: Christoph Fri, 07 Jun 2013 05:55:58 +0000 Please entertain this: The Border Agents at drive thru stations seem to know just who to “inspect” for drugs etc.. So, they bust him, tear the vehicle apart, put ALL the drugs etc. into LOCKUP. “He” gets Deported to Mexico. BUT! they have to keep ALL that “Evidence” in lockup for “the Trial” (?) Really? Lets say he had 100# of heroine, do they really need all that “Evidence”? (even if they did not deport him so he could go to trial). So what happens to ALL that “Evidence” that has been collecting for how long? Wouldn’t it be simple for the CIA and / or the Cartels to BUY a few or more Agents for the border crossings?
No truck routes, No special hiways, No tunnels, No Mules and Coyotes. All right there “In plain sight”.
