Comments on: MIND FREEDOM, MIND BEAUTY Tue, 02 Oct 2012 07:16:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: BDB Tue, 02 Oct 2012 07:16:04 +0000 It’s rare that I disagree with you, but I must point out that you are wrong on one point. There are true scientists who are interested in the two questions, what is freedom and what is the mind? I’ve met and studied with two of them, and there are many more. Dr. Dan Siegel (author of Mindsight and the Developing Mind), Dr. Allan Hamilton (author of The Scalpel and the Soul) are just two of them. Dr. Hamilton is from hard-core brain science. He was a world-class brain surgeon with countless prestigious awards. He wrote a book entitled The Scalpel and the Soul in which he explored many of his life experiences that are outside of mainstream science — very outside. He challenges his readers to deeply question the limits of science as we know it and not push aside the bounty of data that we have that challenges our limited notions of mind. And there are many more who are doing the same. They just aren’t as courageous as Dr. Hamilton because of the corporate stranglehold that is on the scientific community where a career and reputation can be destroyed if you step outside of the narrow limits that are predefined for you. Actually, I guess he already has his reputation so he feels he can speak the truth and encourage others to do the same.

By: Andrew Crisp Fri, 28 Sep 2012 15:37:28 +0000 Fantastic! So beautifully argued. Freedom IS our true nature.

By: Nomaya Fri, 28 Sep 2012 14:04:53 +0000 My first response upon reading this was…”now we’re talking”. Jon, you hit the nail on the head. Thank you. Thank you for the obvious deep investigation into what’s true about freedom. I think that the freedom you are talking about is not a fragile thing. It’s always an invitation, always available and can’t be destroyed. But it can be missed. Yes, our nature is to be free. Let true freedom speak to us.
Take the invitation. You might find out you ARE the invitation. ( See, it’s speaking to ME right now). I’m still a student and sometimes I truly have the experience of remembering what’s underneath the conditioning. Freedom has beautiful qualities. Freedom isn’t vulnerable. It’s not polarized. Freedom is a good word for what can’t really be described. I think freedom needs to be found and remembered.
Thank you for this article.
Ps. Some living teachers who speak about freedom are Adyashanti, Byron Katie, Ekhart Tolle, Gangaji, In my opinion, they ARE the invitation.
