Comments on: Operation mind control: “save the planet” Sun, 25 Nov 2012 02:57:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: john lennon Sun, 25 Nov 2012 02:57:03 +0000 RE: POSSESSION OF MIND.


Focus: Humanity as a Whole-Mind Truth Awakening.
(Part of a universal World Freedom occurrence.)

Hello One and All,

My name is John A. Lennon. I am an ex-prisoner of ill health and corporate mind-control programs, one of many victims who have escaped and now able to help widen the escape route for other prisoners of corporate deceptions and consumer mind control technology.

Forty years ago, who would have thought that we could all be parts of Human Resource Management organizations.

With ‘expert’ forecasts of worse to come and developing circumstances already changing our lives, the general meaning of sacrifice has already been upgraded to greater levels of corporate controlled life destroying agendas.

If our prime interests as highly dependent existence stakeholders are ever to be based on a solid foundation of life-enhancing knowledge and healthy self-managed intentions, we would need to use a practical catalyst-of-change which is simple, comprehensive and universal to all people.

Rather than wars and irreversible toxic waste as reasons for change, it could be that the most appropriate catalyst to stop the rot is none other than a Global Census of Ego- Intent, being a simple universal means of relating to where we want to go and how we want to get there.

A Census of Ego-Intent is a very simple and practical way for every one of Earth’s citizens to declare what they truly support, whether it be more destruction or a new World without war, corruption and fear. A truly universally way of arousing appropriate new action from the Inner Self

If you have already escaped or have a desire to escape from corporate harm, then this System-accountable life-security information is for you and the people you care for.

John A. Lennon World Freedom Activist

By: Bryan Clark (@stp2112) Thu, 04 Oct 2012 01:07:05 +0000 One of the best articles i have read in quite some time……

By: victoryintruth Wed, 03 Oct 2012 17:32:47 +0000 Excellent, Jon……some real nuggets in there. I read this on the Natural News site where I never leave comments because it must be through FaceHole. I shall pass this article around.

By: Orson Wed, 03 Oct 2012 16:07:21 +0000 The idea that collectivism is bad or automatically excludes individuality is faulty. If it weren’t for people getting together in the 1920s and ’30s and threatening to overthrow the system, we wouldn’t have an 8 hour work day, nor Social Security nor a bunch of other things. History is the story of sociopaths threatening the mass of people, sometimes subtly, usually brutally. Sociopaths will never go away. If you have the power and hardware to kill people, you will rule. The only hope for people is massing together and taking some of what’s owed them, because they created it all and the sociopaths would like to have it all.
During the Depression jobs were scarce. Why was that so, when there were things to be produced and people willing to produce them? As Tarpley rightly says, the oppressed will never seize power – not in this country. The best they can do is throw a wrench into the system, strike, sit-down and not cooperate. But also realize that their leaders will be assassinated and be aware that this is the way it is. And, to TURN OFF THE TV. That is the first priority.
