Comments on: THE FALLACY OF VOTING FOR “THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS” Wed, 17 Dec 2014 04:07:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Raoul Wed, 17 Dec 2014 04:07:56 +0000 I didn’t vote in the recent mid-term elections. First time I’ve taken a pass since I came of voting age. The following is what I posted here and there as an explanation of my action (or inaction):

I’ve been given a choice–Democrat or Republican–and I can’t vote for either party. Especially when I know the following three things:

1) Most laws the government passes are illegal. The Supreme Court decided over 200 years ago in Marbury vs. Madison that any law which violates the constitution is void upon its passage. The same goes for court decisions–if they violate the constitution they are void upon their issuance. If I know that, why don’t our politicians? Short answer, they do. I can’t vote for people who would knowingly violate the constitution in defiance of Marbury vs. Madison.

2) September 11. Six of the ten members of the Kean Commission refused to sign their report after they “investigated” the events of 9/11. The report was a cover-up. And according to law, if you take part in a crime after its commission (like through a cover-up), then you are guilty of that crime. Therefore, the U.S. government is guilty of the 9/11 attacks. And everyone in Washington knows it. How can I vote for people who took part in the 9/11 attacks?

3) Disappearing children. 47,000 children disappeared at the U.S./Mexican border in 2013-2014. Why doesn’t the government investigate that? Plenty of media attention is given to the shooting of one young man in Missouri, but the media can’t look into the disappearance of 47,000? What happened to the children? Are they working in sweatshops? Sex slaves? Human sacrifices? Again, if I know about this situation, then so do the people in government. And failure to pursue the issue makes them responsible for each individual disappearance.

So instead of voting this time around I’m writing this. I’m telling you, we have a criminal government. Our politicians (all of them) knowingly vote for illegal laws, cover up the crimes of September 11, and refuse to pursue possible human slave traffickers. I can’t endorse any of that with a vote, and all I can think to do is publicly condemn the criminals who want me to approve of their actions.

By: jen Sun, 28 Oct 2012 04:13:11 +0000 I believe in voting NONE OF THE ABOVE and holding a re-election until we get at least a few populous candidates on the ballot. Other very democratic countries do this…the ones without a huge mafia history anyways. Keep writing…

By: Anonymous Mon, 22 Oct 2012 23:03:46 +0000 Reply to above anonymous commenter: Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems like not voting is just giving up your voice. There’s got to be another way that is more effective- actually makes a difference- than to just say, “I’m not going to vote, if I have to choose between these guys.”

By: TNTCrazyLady Mon, 22 Oct 2012 20:45:31 +0000 I vote I just will NOT vote for a Rep or Dem or some type of dictator or communist, etc ;-}

By: Cyber King Wed, 17 Oct 2012 18:37:48 +0000 I disagree with the last comment. Even a dead fish goes with the flow. By not voting one is giving their power away. Vote for the third party. One cannot vote for an imaginary, ideal candidate. Photoshop doesn’t help here.

By: Anonymous Mon, 15 Oct 2012 04:48:50 +0000 by not voting you are really registering your will that you do not trust the candidate and is more powerful than voting

By: TNT Tue, 09 Oct 2012 18:06:25 +0000 I have been saying this since 1974!!!!!! Sooo glad someone else can see this. The Reps & Dems are flips sides to the same coin, their agenda has been identical since they split from the Democratic Republicans (they split over methodology to achieve the goal only). Our founding fathers NEVER wanted political factions (parties) “married” to our government – EVER!!!! All states should delete the political alliance field in ALL voter registration databases, only run ANY and ALL elections where ALL voters in the database can vote. Eliminate ANY & ALL purely political elected or appointed positions at ALL levels of government. Only allow INDIVIDUALS to contribute to ANY political campaign. All elected and appointed candidates MUST be financially solvent (owe less than they earn and no back taxes). Cap any and all elected and appointed positions at ALL levels of government to $100,000 a year (if these people can’t budget on that then they are not worthy to be in office). Put ANY and ALL insurances on the open market; risk pool at no less than a region (a region must have a min of 1 million people in it) – this will free the enslavement of employees from the employer and eliminate the need for any “pre existing condition” clauses. Make it MANDATORY that “appointments” or “elections” for the electors of a state be openly public, with open voting by ANY and ALL registered voters and bound to vote reflecting the demographics of the state. We need our Electoral College back so it can prevent bullying by numbers!!!!!!!

Since 1974 I have voted for any candidate that is NOT a Rep or Dem or socialist/marxist/communist.

EVIL IS EVIL – put the “lesser of evils” into office and they will be just as evil as the “greater of evils” by the end of their terms.

Keep up the great work ;-}


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