Comments on: Psychiatrists drugging children for “social justice” Sat, 03 Oct 2015 13:19:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pediatrician Admits ADHD is ‘Made Up,’ Prescribes Meds Anyway  Dark Politricks Sat, 03 Oct 2015 13:19:40 +0000

By: Pediatrician Admits ADHD is 'Made Up,' Prescribes Meds Anyway | Natural Society Sat, 03 Oct 2015 04:27:27 +0000

By: freddifish Wed, 02 Sep 2015 22:17:49 +0000 Holy crap!!! Get the f outta the states if you have children.

By: Gun Control Is All About Controlling People Mon, 21 Jan 2013 02:34:01 +0000

By: Ian MacLeod Mon, 07 Jan 2013 23:59:22 +0000 As far as I can tell, psychiatrists have no ethics, or empathy. They want their place in medicine as legitimate scientists and practitioners whether they actually know what they’re doing or not – and they DON’T in all but a few cases. They’ve done this for some time now, for one thing, and they’ve helped out in torture and in torture-based mind-control too with no moral qualms. If they were allowed I’m sure they’d casually cut around on people’s brains just to see which part of it did what.

Come to think of it, allopathic medicine is now exists to feed pharmaceuticals to patients forever, or to keep on cutting until they run out of patient to cut on and have to find another one. This way they can share the insurance money around until it runs out. Then, of course, the patient is thrown to the sidewalk no matter how sick or how much pain s/he’s in. Medicine is a corporate gold-mine – as long as you don’t give a damn about your patients. And too many don’t. I understand the European doctors are appalled at the practices of American doctors. I understand. The Drug War has also warped the hell out of medicine.

For Chronic Pain Patients, if surgery, therapy or exercise can’t help, the last-ditch treatment – which is actually the FIRST treatment that should be used, the Medical Standard of Care – is opiates (the exact same molecule as endorphins made by the body), titrated to the pain. Pain that isn’t controlled causes all sorts of damage, physical and otherwise, but with the DEA deciding that drugs plus money equals crime, so it’s okay to lie like mad and set doctors up for convictions because they’re doing their jobs – putting “pill mill docs” in prison along with their”addicted” patients. Though what they’re doing is destroying pain patients AND legitimate, medically correct doctors. As far as the DEA is concerned, death by suicide, heart attack or stroke are the only “legitimate” options a pain patient has.

About any aspect of medicine in America is damaging or deadly to the patients, but very lucrative for doctors.


By: Ian MacLeod Fri, 23 Nov 2012 08:20:36 +0000 “Medical ethics” is now pretty much an oxymoron.


By: joane Fri, 12 Oct 2012 22:16:19 +0000 Long term stimulant use such as Rittilan weakens the vascular system ultimately shorting the life of the individual. Our vascular systems, like other tissues in our bodies will repair themselves, however wear and tear, even at a young age will affect the individual for life. In the case of rittilan Et al, the effect is a shortened life. This is not speculation. The effect of cocaine usage on the vascular system are identical. The difference is that most cocaine users, use higher effective dosages so strokes and other complications develop much faster.

The most insidious truths are that parents are shorting there childrens’ lives and don’t know it, and when death comes, it looks completely natural.

I have had numerous conversations with MDs. And they know exactly what is happening. I always end the conversation with the question: would you give your child rittilian or another stimulant? The answer is always no.

By: afteramerica Fri, 12 Oct 2012 15:20:11 +0000 Reblogged this on AfterAmerica's Blog and commented:
This is very disturbing. With almost 20% of Americans on one of these drugs, it is only a matter of time before people totally lose it. Why? Why does the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) put up articles about Zombies on their own web site. These drugs along with the radiation from Fukushima all over the Western Part of the USA are going to make people go nuts. That is my take on it.
