Comments on: Once when we were free Fri, 26 Oct 2012 18:59:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lynda Franchino Fri, 26 Oct 2012 18:59:00 +0000 Great article! They say you know you are getting old when you can say “I miss the good old days” and really mean it. Well…..color me old then, for I DO miss the America I was born and raised in. I don’t recognize what is has become these days.

Thank you, I thought it was just me who felt this way!

By: Susan Thu, 18 Oct 2012 14:53:37 +0000 Thank you once again, Jon, for confirming my suspicions that things are all crazy right now in this world, and my hopes that there are others who feel how wrong it all is. May we live to see better days again.

By: Okie Wed, 17 Oct 2012 23:51:48 +0000 If only we could have seen this far down the road as kids.
Could it be that the Scriptures are true and that nothing has been done
outside of a Master PLAN that was set in motion way back in the beginning. To know that we as humans have the opportunity live forever. Lets not blow that opportunity offered us. The next time is forever not just a few years.
I do believe that just as we read this with a sad heart that our children
did not have what we had as a nation should cause us all to repent for not doing more to keep it the way it was.
With all the things going on back then they were a million times better than today. We are the end as a nation we have rejected the “Old Paths” and like the prophets told us it will be hell to pay.

By: bert Wed, 17 Oct 2012 06:04:58 +0000 Once upon a time life was perfect, then you got old. Now these damn kids won’t stay off your lawn!

By: spartacus jones Wed, 17 Oct 2012 02:36:44 +0000 Some of what you say is true. But I think you may be idealizing just a little bit. I grew up during the 60’s, too.
I don’t recall it all as glowingly as you do. There was a lot of rust back then that was just painted over and took another 10 or 15 years to corrode to the point of visibility.

A man’s home was his castle — which meant he was free to beat his wife and kids. Women who were raped “must have asked for it” because “boys will be boys.” The military “made a man out of you, manhood apparently being dependent on mindlessly following orders and killing whomever you’re told to kill. Those who dissented from the “official story” were pinkos and fags and fair game.

There was McCarthy. And lynchings and race riots. We ducked and covered to defend ourselves from the end of the world. There was a vicious little war against the Vietnamese — who’d never harmed us one bit — people who had modeled their declaration of independence after our own. They had censored Elvis’ hip-swinging, and now promised that the Beatles would be the end of civilization.

Cops could get away with anything — even murder. They knew how to get a confession back then, guilty or not. None of this sissy “Constitutional rights” nonsense. But it was mostly all right because they focused on blacks and the poor, people with no voice who didn’t matter anyway.

Ike warned us but we didn’t listen. And they murdered Medgar, and Jack and Martin and Bobby.

In short, the past was prologue, and the seeds of what we see now were planted deeply and well-fertilized, and I trust you know what with.

By: Nick11766 (@Nick11766) Wed, 17 Oct 2012 01:39:28 +0000 What else have they done?
9/11, US and Israel:

By: Anonymous Tue, 16 Oct 2012 21:59:11 +0000 John: Excellent, very fine. Captures the essence of what many of us (in our 50s, and many of our children) who like food the way God created it, are glad to have loving dominion over plants and animals as the triune God planned, push our children to play outside in the rain as much as possible, work to raise organic vegetables, and wholeheartedly climb mountains, hunt deer, and chase Frisbees believe and pray that an increasing number of Americans (and Brazilians, Africans, Welsh, Chinese, and more) will grow to think and know is right and true and to be sought. –Brian in Salem, OR

By: Dillon Tue, 16 Oct 2012 19:38:21 +0000 Well then, I find it funny that the generation that was free ended up parenting the generation that you consider to be fostered and controlled.

Your generation is the one that created what you dislike in society. Who else could have? Your generation are the parents of the current generation. And the current generation is over protected and controlled. Who could have done that except for those that raised them?

By: Bonnie Tue, 16 Oct 2012 16:44:14 +0000 That’s not exactly, true. You’re a male, and so are speaking from a boy’s standpoint. And really, you, boys, had more freedom than, girls. Parents let boys loose, while girls were NEVER allowed that.

NEVER! Not even in the West.

When a family member took a little girl to visit others, the girls had to dress up, and sit in the parlor, keeping still, while the adults “visited,.” and the little girl wiggled around, she was scolded. Little girls could not run, or run in the open air. When an adult did carpentry work, and wanted to learn, the girl was scolded and told to leave.

And let me tell you, when groups of boys were together, playing marbles, or tops, or cards, they made it clear, they didn’t want a girl around.

Girls had to toe the line, and particularly, after menarche. Wen they aware MORE aware tht they were females. They couldn’t try cigarettes, or wander around the neighborhood after school, or run, or any of the things boys did. Girls had to dress up on the particular “holy” days of their religion, and go to temple or church. Girls had to were pristine white gloves and hats, and petticoats, for special occasions.

Girls had to watch their reputations, unlike boys. In the days you you speak about, in fact, it was the girls that had to watch out, for YOU , boys. And the nonsense of their telling, girls, “If you loved me, you’d let me.” And girls, had to watch out for being considered “loose” – and further, “getting in trouble” and having a pregnancy without married.

So, it’s not true that children were freer in older generations. The divisions between the genders were present in the “old days.”

By: Karin Tue, 16 Oct 2012 01:02:58 +0000 Dear Jon, I have been a following your website for many months now. Once when we were free… I feel so good after reading and relating to this recent blog. Just another clear and brilliant example of what an outstanding writer you are. I truly enjoy returning to your website and the beautiful sanity of your poetic (to me) writings. 🙂 I am a BIG fan. May our God and Creator bless you with health and longevity and I wish you all the very best in your personal life and thank you again for your continued clarity, eloquence, honesty and timeliness of your essays/articles/blogs. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
