Comments on: IS BARACK OBAMA THE FIRST BLACK JIMMY CARTER? Fri, 19 Oct 2012 17:47:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: phil Fri, 19 Oct 2012 17:47:49 +0000 had a cousin, retired usaf colonel, who ran a loran(?) installation located circa the “ho-chi-minh trail” during the war. this was vital to both u.s. and ussr commerce at the time. although it had only a 10 man crew the most ‘hostile’ act he encountered was the nva troops shooting holes in the laundry as it hung drying on the line. he also related that the michellin rubber plantations were off limits to ALL beligerants. reagan-romney carter-obama is making sense. how about a write-in for mitrak obomney ??
