Comments on: POLISHING YOUR VICTIM STORY Thu, 01 Nov 2012 11:14:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stephen Blackheath Thu, 01 Nov 2012 11:14:57 +0000 I had some property stolen once and was surprised to be contacted by Victim Support (New Zealand). I thought this was very odd, because to my way of thinking, a “victim” is someone who is dead, and I had only lost two guitars!

By: Zellie Thu, 01 Nov 2012 03:46:38 +0000 Yes, this is a great article…I have noticed one step further, though…’victim’ and then ‘bully,’ this personality vacillates between one and then the other…they pull out the ‘victim’ to get sympathy and hide behind it like a shield, and when that doesn’t get the result they want/need/expect they resort to the ‘bully’….oh boy, watch out when that comes out, it’ll threaten you within an inch of your life and sensibilities, and then oh, my, the switcharoo again…the ‘victim’…. This needs its own research paper and book….it’s an art form…and I can spot them a mile away….2 sides of the same coin….

By: Ron Thu, 01 Nov 2012 03:00:15 +0000 Your story was all too true. Everyone is a victim, so no one is responsible anymore. Yet, most of these people are just looking for excuses for their sorry-ass state of existence; makes me sick. Here’s my story:

I have Osteogenesis Imperfecta (my bones break easily – 10 so far). I was given up for adoption. My adopted parents divorced and my adopted mother kept trying to give me back. My adopted father split and I never saw him again. I grew up on welfare and in project housing. Being short, I was bullied a lot.

Given my “victim” history I should either be on serious drugs or in prison. Neither is the case. I am a professor and I have degrees in Physics and Computer Science. I live an upper middle-income life with 2 homes, a newer truck, and three custom build Harley Davidson motorcycles. I have been to 24 countries and travel to international destinations several times a year. I have one son and five grandkids.

I really am living a dream (Ok, my relationships haven’t worked out very well as I am divorced and currently single.). There are no excuses. You take care of your business or your business takes care of you. It’s that simple. Stop whining.

By: Tsandi Crew Tue, 30 Oct 2012 20:14:06 +0000 I agree with you mostly. Doctoring is ceasing; testing and dispensing by the test numbers is increasing. You have to know how the body works in order to figure out what you really need because the doctors ignore symptoms and go only by the numbers. Part of this is the fault of Medicare… In the 80’s the method Medicare used to determine payment was changed to code numbers. Illnesses have to fit within Medicare parameters. And using numbers on a piece of paper gives you proof in black and white. You can point to it. Use it in self defense if you are sued for malpractice.

My grandmother was a doctor. I thank my lucky stars. I am able to heal myself because of her. Without the knowledge, I hate to think what I would have to go through. There are groups of people by the hundreds who find each other on the web, who learn from each others experiments how to treat their ills because the numbers on the tests are wrong and no doctor will pay attention to the symptoms. The numbers deny the symptoms.

American medicine is good for emergencies. For everything else… we are 37th from the top.
