Comments on: NOAM CHOMSKY AND TOM HAYDEN JOIN THE RANKS OF THE BRAIN DEAD Sat, 10 Nov 2012 05:15:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: ALan walser Sat, 10 Nov 2012 05:15:08 +0000 RIGHT ON JON! THOUGHT HAYDEN WENT OUT WITH PATTY HEURST.

By: Anonymous Sat, 10 Nov 2012 02:14:07 +0000 Chomsky has written many times about the fact that there is only one party in America. His threat to seek out instances of voter fraud in this election applies strictly to this election.

By: Natalia Lee Gardener Fri, 09 Nov 2012 17:42:00 +0000 Great job finding the uncounted Prop. 37 votes AND thank you so much for your other great work I have seen so far. You’re new to me but, happily, I’ve found you. One issue: Chomsky was an early endorser of 2012 Green Party Presidential Candidate, Dr. Jill Stein, and in the eleventh hour of the election odyssey, I received Dr. Chomsky’s plea on her/our behalf for contributions to her Green Party, real-human-people-only, stop-fouling-your-own-nest, stop-destroying-your-own-home, come-together-for-the-human race campaign.
All blessings to you. Thank you, again, for your continuing work, and for ability to transcend small ego motives for the Good we all can know in our Heart of Hearts! P.S. What actions can we take to not only require the counting of all votes, but to bring justice to the blatantly apparent criminal actions related to fraudulent use of the FDA logo, the fraudulent quote attributed to the FDA, and and the use of the U.S. Postal Service to perpetrate these activities? Wonder if there could be a separate legal action that could be taken regarding the misuse of the USPS, especially since the DOJ has referred the issue to the FDA for action/inaction….Wondering how this whole scenario would appear and would be unfolding at this same, exact point in time, if Yes on Prop. 37 had engaged in the same misuse of the FDA logo, statement attribution, and misuse of the USPS….

By: Orson Tue, 06 Nov 2012 06:55:02 +0000 This is such a mishmash of whining in all directions. For a writer I highly respect, this is all over the place. Must we still disparage “government” as the root of all evil? It’s not government that took down the Twin Towers. It wasn’t even the CIA. It was rogue elements within both. God forbid one should invoke “government of the people,” after all, this is evil. Well, we haven’t seen government of the people yet, so we can’t disparage it. What we have had all along is government by sociopaths and psychopaths. That’s the story of history. Why can’t we say “it doesn’t have to be that way? For people to grab some of the crumbs off the loaf they have created it’s going to require scaring the hell out of the psychopaths who rule – the way the French did in 1968. . . .There is work to be done, dams, highways, railroads, schools and hospitals to be built. There are workers who will smile from ear to ear when given a chance to build these things. What’s stopping us from putting the two together? Money? You create it out of thin air with 0 interest. You start industries. The “money” gets paid back, and then the electronic entries are erased. Done. No Inflation. There are brains out there who cut past the bullshit. I’ll pitch in with economist Michael Hudson and Webster Tarpley anytime.

By: Bruce Tue, 06 Nov 2012 05:15:27 +0000 Jon, for someone who writes a lot on magic, imagination and out-of-box solutions, it is surprising how little you understand about the magic of fiat money. You really think that a country that can print its own money can ever get bankrupt? or can get indebted? Look at Japan, its debt-to-gdp ratio is over 200%, twice that of USA, yet Japan has never faced problem of not being able to rollover its debt. Or take China – it has built hundreds of modern cities, high-speed railways, highways etc by simply creating loans. China’s banks and local govts are facing high debts but the high growth that the country enjoys ensures that it always has money to cover its debt.

While welfare economics is not advisable, its not a problem..forcible health insurance plans will increase the business of medical and insurance companies which will increase growth and consequently taxation there is no question of bankruptcy. Even if they run out of money, they can print more. Again, I’m not advocating more exposure to drugs via the medical mafia, but only pointing out to your lack of understanding of modern monetary system (MMT).

There is no limit to the money that a govt can create and spend, provided it has not run out of resources (land, minerals, human labor etc). Since unemployment in US is high, govt (if it so desires) can create and spend billions on infrastructure/welfare projects which will result in creation of new demand for goods and services and stimulate the economy.

Please study MMT – blog like is a good start to understand the magical nature of fiat money,

At least, watch these few videos to get basic understanding of modern economics..

A rising supply of money does not mean inflation is coming

The guy that you advocate – Ron Paul – is a charlatan (follower of discredited austrian school of economics) who doesn’t understand our monetary system. He has fooled millions into believing his bullshit and its sad that even someone as brilliant as you has fallen for his outdated crap.
