Comments on: VOTE FRAUD: WHO DESTROYED PROP 37 ON ELECTION NIGHT? Wed, 19 Mar 2014 18:28:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Voter_Fraud Wed, 19 Mar 2014 18:28:18 +0000 It passed. There is no way it didn’t, especially in California, which is probably the most food/health conscious state in the nation. I can’t believe that the people of California would vote AGAINST a law, giving them the right to know what is in their food! WHY? Because it MIGHT have increased food costs by like $00.01 per person? Seriously? You’re telling me that people voted for a law that let’s them remain ignorant??? NO F’ing way! Pure & simple case of felony.criminal fraud here. There is no other explanation. Voting fraud is a criminal act,…a felony I think. Those responsible will never be tried, but they are w/o question, 100% guilty. The American voting system has being a big (but not so funny) JOKE! Voting is a scam & a complete waste of time. You’re votes are not even counted, literally. This also confirms my opinion/stance that “law” is an illusion & “power” is the only reality. America no longer has rule of law. We are not longer a nation of laws, but a nation of rules. It’s disgusting & I really can’t believe that people do nothing about it. How much worse will it get & how much worse must it get, before people finally wake up, stand up & put an end to it???

By: Voter_Fraud Wed, 19 Mar 2014 18:18:11 +0000 I don’t believe prop 37 was legally defeated & I never will. It has finally proven to me that voting is a scam & out votes mean nothing.

By: Voter_Fraud Wed, 19 Mar 2014 18:14:43 +0000 Dude, great article but nobody cares. This is a perfect example of why I don’t even bother with voting. What is the point of voting, if your votes literally aren’t being counted? You might as well say that when it comes to election results, AP/Media have more control than the voters. SO w/that being the case, America has not real voting/election system. America is not even a representational democracy. We’re a nation who’s political outcome is controlled by corporate America & the media. We the People mean nothing & our votes mean less than nothing. WHat a great F@#$ING system!!!

By: Do they Mix Very Well? I mean Capitalism and Democracy? - Page 4 - Religious Education Forum Tue, 26 Feb 2013 07:45:17 +0000 […] in California, but it's difficult to prove that indisputably, we can look at the symptoms though. VOTE FRAUD: WHO DESTROYED PROP 37 ON ELECTION NIGHT? | Jon Rappoport's Blog […]

By: Anonymous Mon, 26 Nov 2012 09:07:41 +0000 I think this prop is symptomatic of the entire election process, I watched Rommney leading in popular votes in Ohio and Ohio was already projected to Obama. It appears elections are just a sham to convince the public they have a choice.

By: Plurb Sat, 17 Nov 2012 03:55:10 +0000 how’s that Democracy working for you? Like the one party system do you? Guess that means California voters didn’t pass prop 30 and we don’t all want our taxes raised, especially those not in a n Onion uh I mean union!

By: Anonymous Fri, 16 Nov 2012 17:50:54 +0000 Where can I buy safe food? And what food Don’t have GMO. I feel they (govt.) is trying to eliminate the population. We Americans have to fight for our freedoms. Like my son a marine defense this country of ours so can we.

By: Prop 37: The top 7 reasons not to believe the vote-count Thu, 15 Nov 2012 13:31:58 +0000 […] The Associated Press feeds projections, although they deny it, to media outlets all over America on election night. They, too, would look ridiculous if it turned out that vote-counts had been hijacked. […]

By: lynn Wed, 14 Nov 2012 12:16:17 +0000 Carry on! My California brothers and sisters! I own part of a cow so I may legally consume raw, organic milk from cows that eat grass, live outdoors, and know the pleasures of a bull. This Indiana Hoosier supports all true PATRIOTS and leaders in the food revolution. People are starting local grocery stores and co-ops here — the battle is now. I salute you all.

By: Proud2b Wed, 14 Nov 2012 04:18:08 +0000 This whole election is a National shame and an outrage to all honest people.
