Comments on: PROP 37 VOTE-FRAUD UPDATE: 3.3 MILLION VOTES STILL UNCOUNTED Sun, 09 Dec 2012 18:09:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: babylovet Sun, 09 Dec 2012 18:09:56 +0000 this from the good people at

Breaking News! Prop 37 Election Fraud?

The question being asked today is “Was there election fraud in California’s Prop 37, the Right-To-Know GMO Labeling initiative?” Our friends at Food Democracy Now! are reporting that “statistical anomalies” and significant “irregularities” have been uncovered by a team of independent statisticians who are analyzing raw voter data from California’s Prop 37 vote held on November 6. The anomalies appear in the largest precincts of nine counties including San Francisco, Los Angeles and Alameda. The number of votes involved are significant and the discrepancies are great enough that they have the potential for altering the outcome of the Prop 37 vote.

Free and fair elections are the hallmark of a democratic society. California voters and the American people deserve an honest vote, 100% transparency and a full accounting of the Prop 37 vote.

Please sign onto the FDN! letter which urges California Secretary of State Debra Bowen to act honorably and make absolutely certain every vote is accurately reported and counted.

Stay tuned.

Thanks! Jim & Megan

By: Burkey Fri, 30 Nov 2012 01:47:39 +0000 It IS very odd that media called it so early and with such certainty when so many votes were uncounted. It’s not a matter of being impatient for results. It’s a matter of being informed about the extent of vote manipulation/hacking over the past decade or so. I’ll bet Nancy B. never heard what happened in Ohio 2004 or the King Lincoln lawsuit. Elections officials can “do their jobs” but that doesn’t mean the vote can’t be hacked or will be counted in a trustworthy way. I am curious about the methods used to count the ballots that remain uncounted…is it by machine or by hand?

By: Marion Barbee Tue, 27 Nov 2012 01:56:26 +0000 958,311 ballots still not counted yet, according to California Secretary of State website. Today is November 26, 2012. At the bottom of the “Estimated Unprocessed Ballots for November 6, 2012 General Elections” spreadsheet is: “Updated 11/26/2012 5:00 p.m.”.

I live in Texas and I know in my heart that the most liberal state in the US did not vote against Prop 37 to require labeling of GMO foods, when national polling indicates 95% of Americans want labeling.

This obvious fraud should be the “smoking gun” to finally rally Americans to fix our corrupted “so-called” election system. To turn this outrage into a triumph must start with the disenfranchised voters in California. Well California? A start would be to contact the SOS office in massive numbers and demand an answer to the question “What’s up with the 958,311 uncounted ballots still on November 26?”

/concerned Texan

By: Jason Fri, 23 Nov 2012 02:58:23 +0000 A fraud is a fraud, don’t try to butter it over with excuses. There are no excuses for the use of electronic voting, and no excuses for their manipulation. 100% fraud, 100% guaranteed.

By: Nancy B Wed, 14 Nov 2012 04:57:56 +0000 Please, people – do a little research before you get your panties in a wad! A simple search of the Secretary of State’s website states that the election results are not made official until sometime between December 7th and December 14th. Counties have until Dec 7th to count and report all the votes, and then the SoS has a week to review and validate the results. If you don’t like the media “calling” the results of an election, then don’t stress about it and just wait until the results are official. In addition the SoS’s website has a complete list of all the counties and how many unprocessed ballots they have. In case you can’t find it, here is the link ( ). Some of the counties last updated on 11/7, some on 11/8, and some today (11/13). Are you really upset that there were no counties that updated on 11/9 (which was the only business day between the 8th and today?) I’d much rather have them counting the votes instead of running the reports every day. Not to mention the fact that if this ballot measure passes it wouldn’t even take effect until July 1, 2014. I think that we all can wait until December 14, 2012 to find out. Let’s be patient and let the elections officials do their job.

By: Maria Boutell Tue, 13 Nov 2012 19:50:29 +0000 Social media seems to be the only way to get informed about this voting fraud, all other media are staying hushed because they are sleeping with the big pro-GMO giants like PepsiCo, General Mills, Coca Cola, Kellogg, ConAgra and more…so get loud and sign the petition for a recount.

By: kathie walters Tue, 13 Nov 2012 15:56:18 +0000 great stuff thank you – I found you on RT news.. in Sydney. I am from USA – I couldn’t find FOX

By: Anonymous Tue, 13 Nov 2012 15:28:06 +0000 What the real shame here is…It was first tried Big Time in 2000 in Florida…they have been tweaking it ever since…Bush was Never Elected… voting machines are made to be hacked..long lines are on purpose..and since you have no copy of who you voted for…you most likely voted in vain…

By: uptohere Mon, 12 Nov 2012 18:38:57 +0000 How can anybody believe that they really have a choice in these matters. You can vote till your blue in the face it does’nt matter. It’s not the vote it’s who counts the votes that matters.

By: Annie Mon, 12 Nov 2012 03:51:14 +0000 Jon I didn’t see a “Contact” button. I wanted to get your opinion on the Keshe Foundation – what they’re trying to do and what the Obama Admiinistration is trying to stop them from doing. Is this real?


