Comments on: Yes on 37 says Rappoport is “disrupting the healing” Fri, 16 Nov 2012 11:01:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jon Fri, 16 Nov 2012 11:01:42 +0000 Jon On July 10, HHS Secretary Sebelius effectively turned the Combating Autism Act into the “Accepting Autism Act.” In her speech to the the Autism community, she made no mention of prevention, recovery, cure, or in any way ending autism. Note autism is now a pandemic based on CDC data and the SCPI study of contaminated vaccines and introduction of Bt corn and Bt soy pesticides poisoning 93% of pregnant women and their unborn babies. The Autism rate for boys is one in 54 in US trending upward. Monsanto attorney Michael Taylor, acting FDA Cheif under President Bill Clinton approved GMO corn in 1995 with Bt pesticides embedded in corn genes with NO SAFTEY TESTING. Canadian study by Sherbrooke University hospital in Quebec detected Bt pesticides in 93% of pregnant women and unborn babies in 2011. Genetically engineered (GE) corn varieties by State and United States-Bt Corn acreage doubled in 2005 and increased >20% in 2009. If these account in part for the dramatic autism rate increase to 113.6 AD per 10000 from 18 per 10000, then the decision to force Bt corn on the American consumer with NO SAFTEY TESTS is criminal.


Furthermore, President and Founder of the SCPI, Theresa A. Diesher PhD, testified before the MN. Legislature on May 11, 2012. Dr. Diesher presented scientific evidence that Vaccines manufactured with aborted human fetal cells, which contain fragmented DNA and contaminated retroviruses, do trigger autism. We now have irrefutable evidence from a reliable source as to what causes autism. Thimerisol is also scientifically proven to cause Autism. Don’t be fooled. fact is most all vaccines contain aborted human fetal cells & harmful retroviruses.

Resulting from Dr. Dieshers testimony the United States dept. of Health and Human Services IACC (Interagecy Autism Coordinating Committee) stratigic plan is calling for further investigation of the link between vaccines and autism. They are also calling for further investigation of biological agents contaminating the vaccines that we inject into our children!

Dr. Diesher received her doctorate from Stanford University in Molecular and Cellular physiology in 1990, and post doctoral at the University of Washington. She is also the inventor of 22 issued US patents. Dr.’s David and father Mark Geier are considered the worlds foremost authorities on autism and it’s relationship to Thimerisol. They have scientifically proven vaccines containing this preservative cause Autism. So now you know. A Savior was once quoted as saying, “If you abide in My word, you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

Nice work Jon!

By: Blair Thu, 15 Nov 2012 18:13:32 +0000 Jon,
If the Yes on 37 campaign asked for a recount, which would cost them money(not sure how much), how could we be sure that the recount would be accurate? Would it, could it be done securely, if it couldn’t be done securely in the first place?

By: Mary Thu, 15 Nov 2012 04:37:39 +0000 Please keep the news coming. I followed the issue only because I heard you on the radio and began following your updates. Never heard of GMOs before and am very embarrassed now that I left my bubble. I do not live in CA but all the people I talked to at work understood the importance of this vote. How could it have failed? How can CA determine the results without a real count? And how could the vote no’ers not be held accountable for their lies/illegal activity? Keep the information coming – we cannot make a difference and enlighten – without people like you! Stay Strong.

By: Herban Wed, 14 Nov 2012 20:44:29 +0000 I am a California resident and I too felt that the “Yes’ers on 37” did roll over too easily. They were out in droves pounding the pavement and yelling at the top of their lungs and the VERY NEXT DAY after the election the only sound you heard was the whimper of defeat. They’ve done all of the research on GMO’s and Monsanto but didn’t think twice to use some of the donations to have some lawyers on retainer to look over the voting process? They regarded Monsanto as the Devil on Earth but did not assume that they might be evil enough to illegally sway the vote? Either the yes’ers are highly ignorant or they have a vested interested on maintaining this campaign for another year. Either way it smells way to fishy to me.

By: babylovet Wed, 14 Nov 2012 17:30:21 +0000 Jon, I think you have it right.

My experience with these types of “activists” is that their base loyalty is to “the system” and their ecological niche within it.

To question its integrity could make them personae non grata and disable their future ability to re-submit this to another vote in a future electoral cycle.

They don’t seem to — or want to — get that the same fraud will be perpetrated by the food conglomerates ad infinitum to protect their economic hegemony over the corporate food delivery system.

The “healing disruption” rhetoric is a poor attempt at black comedy.

By: Jay Wed, 14 Nov 2012 16:25:27 +0000 Are the yes-on-37 people being threatened? If you do get a debate Jon, please ask this question. Sounds like these people are getting hush money.

By: Ivy Wed, 14 Nov 2012 03:28:25 +0000 you must be doing something pretty darn right. Just read where other states are jumping in for 2013 to label and rid our food chain of GMO’s. I appreciate and am in great gratitude that you are able to make a difference against such apathy if that is the right word. Thank YOU !

By: Anonymous Wed, 14 Nov 2012 03:22:38 +0000 oh man, it is like bunny rabbits against sharks. (in the water) The Y-on 37 campaign was good but it was way to soft. The whole campaign reminded me of the feeling I had watching Obama in the first debate with Romney, he just sat there and took it. And then to yield so easily and want to “start the healing” ? WTF

By: growmap17 Wed, 14 Nov 2012 02:35:42 +0000 Have you investigated thoroughly who is behind yes on 37?

By: alex Wed, 14 Nov 2012 01:03:24 +0000
