Comments on: Why the Prop 37 vote-count is too perfect Sun, 02 Dec 2012 23:25:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Sun, 02 Dec 2012 23:25:49 +0000 Sadly, these companies who pushed against this labeling bill will eventually see their ‘customers’ get sick from their fake food and eventually stop buying it since only live people eat food. If you read about the Georgia Guidestones, it all makes sense- it’s a war on humanity, and it is going on right now. Most people either don’t know, they know but don’t believe, or they don’t believe it because the truth is too horrifying to face.

By: Ultrawoman Mon, 19 Nov 2012 23:36:19 +0000 Where do we go from here on Prop 37? Is there nothing further that can be done?

I always wonder when half-percent sales tax increases barely squeak by with 52% of the vote or 77% if they require a two-thirds majority. They almost always tend to barely squeak by.

By: babylovet Mon, 19 Nov 2012 19:25:08 +0000 a few things I am wondering:

why two weeks to fully count the vote, and it’s still incomplete?? This, in the days of computer voting? Are the other propositions on the CA ballot also in the process of vote counting? The longer it goes on the longer exists the windows of opportunity to hack the count. is a Democratic party front and, assuming they had a petition regrading this issue, they might have gotten leaned on by their “sponsors” to pull it. Remember Obama is a tool of Monsanto and Agri-Food Inc, having been come up through, and been sponsored by, the filthy Chicago political machine and its agri-business cronies. and will not risk “access” even though their access is meaningless.

I am not so sure about Health Food Inc. as a whole not wanting the labeling since lots of them do make a big deal on their labeling about not having any GMOs.

And, perhaps most disturbing, at this point, with the proliferation of “promiscuous” GMO corn and other items in the environment, who can say for sure that the primary “organic” food sources are untainted.

By: The Solution Lies in the Opposite Consciousness | Automatic For the People Mon, 19 Nov 2012 04:20:45 +0000 […] monopoly. For those of you not paying close attention, here’s a peak behind the curtain, the votes for proposition 37 are still not completely counted as I write this article. If that is the case, then why did the “TV” announce the winner rather quickly after […]

By: David G. Sun, 18 Nov 2012 20:01:51 +0000 It is sickening, Americans have become so apathetic. started a petition in response to Jon’s articles and not even a day later when I go to sign it and it has disappeared…The populace has become so powerless, and yet they cannot be bothered to care! So many people I am acquainted with that if you try and inform them of important issues, such as vote fraud, they react with annoyance or hostility. They are far too comfy in their fantasy-cocoon. They would rather watch their reality show, play their video game, and get drunk, etc. then inform themselves of these very pressing matters occurring all around them. “’Voter fraud? who cares!’ ‘The president assassinates U.S. citizens, thereby violating their Bill of Rights? Well he must have been a terrorist.’ ‘The NDAA allows the president to arrest and detain me without charge, trail, or limits? Well it must be for the greater good…’ ” It is almost laughable, apart from the sheer terror of realization it causes.
