Comments on: Was the YES ON 37 campaign undermined by its allies?
NoMoreFakeNews.comTue, 20 Nov 2012 19:05:18 +0000
By: arianna
Tue, 20 Nov 2012 19:05:18 +0000 stores like Sprouts, there are already many products labeled as NON GMO!! Please support these honest companies. Buy organic produce and grassfed meats, do not buy prepackaged food, if you eat organic and grassfed food cooked in organic grassfed butter available at Sprouts, and extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil you will not be hungry all the time and will reduce your food intake overall. If you can (it would be the ultimate way to get healthy), grow your own food, raise organic chickens and rabbits, and a cow if you have room. The answer to all this insanity is to take responsibility for yourself and your children. If we all change and demand change from the government which we the people set up for the pursuit of life liberty and happiness then things will change. If we do not accept this responsibility then the horrors that this government is putting upon us and our children will destroy life as we know it and in fact destroy all human life, it is an endgame people and it is up to us to stop it, the cavalry is not coming to save us we have to save ourselves. Lastly buy a filter that filters out flouride, which causes cancer and creates a slave mentallity.
By: gatekeeper7
Mon, 19 Nov 2012 22:28:09 +0000 think having 1000 products stamped “GMO” overnight is the type of wake up call people need these days. I try to spend my money on gmo free labeled products.
Nice post, I agree with some of it.
By: Lori
Mon, 19 Nov 2012 16:58:08 +0000, you just came out and said what I’ve been thinking all along. I kept asking “Who is coming up with the content for these (Yes on 37) ads? It must be Monsanto!” It certainly weren’t the grassroots groups that were out there campaigning to make our lives better and getting small donations on the street. So, yes, I would love it if you could target an investigation to find out who exactly DID pay for and control the content in those ads. A brilliant ploy on Whole Foods’ part. It was obvious from the beginning that those that work there, and even the founder of the company, were at odds with the Whole Foods Board on this issue. That Board is known for always voting to maximize profit at the cost of ethical behavior. So it was a brilliant strategy on the part of the Board (and, I’m guessing, other like minded Boards that likely participated in this decoy) to make it look like they were supporting 37 while brilliantly working to defeat it at the same time. Beware those of you who work on future campaigns. Know where the dollars that you raise for your ads are going, and who is in control of those funds!