Comments on: GMOs plus Obamacare: Your ticket to slavery Tue, 17 Jun 2014 13:59:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wypowiedzi renomowanego doktora od których włosy staną Ci dęba | bladymamut Tue, 17 Jun 2014 13:59:05 +0000 […] popierający wchodzącą „Obamacare” powinni się nad tym wszystkim zastanowić. Z milionami nowych ludzi wchłanianymi do medycznego […]

By: How to impeach President Barack Obama as a citizen » Chronic Heaven: The ProGODnosis ® Fri, 08 Nov 2013 18:51:08 +0000 […] GMOs plus Obamacare: Your ticket to slavery […]

By: Jeff Simon (@MrJeffSimon) Mon, 06 May 2013 20:06:13 +0000 Looking ahead, I have two questions/observations.

1) I think “being negative” is going to become a great deal more popular. And a lot more common. Fear and anger are on the rise. Most folks only get in touch with it when their bellies are empty or their health wanes. But, I can see it in expressions of culture. Folks are more angry and more afraid.

2) The current pace of spending on healthcare is unsustainable. There is a factor of math at work. You simply can’t expect to raise the cost of care 9% year over year when the ability to pay for the same services raises 2%. Graphed out those two lines run away from each other. Obamacare accelerates this cost curve. When the profits dive, desperation sets in. Where this goes. How it plays out. Only time will tell.

By: Tgettnmoney Thu, 20 Dec 2012 07:09:32 +0000 But Jon… If you can believe the dream a little while longer, it will all make sense. 😉

In all seriousness thank you for writing this – I truly believe we share some fundamental deep-down sort of things. I am sure you have experienced the lump in your throat before, that comes when you think these things through and mean them and know enough to mean them. To know that people would not only do these things which are so terrifying, but also to come up with them. We are both (as far as we are claiming) reverse engineering these strategies, coming at them from outside.

But Jon, if you didn’t already know it comes down to good and evil. There are in fact only two teams that comprise all other teams. You’ve probably thought of, how far back do these connections behind the scenes go – what factions formed when, etc. What is the point where you can concretely say, these parties were acting separately and NOT on a secret team. You may have noticed that it seems like whoever the big player is at any given moment, these structures are shifting and players adapt their roles over time. You may have also noticed all roads lead suspiciously to fascism. And that on some level, anyone really can plug into the economy especially if they understand these things, and yet the arcs of progress seem to remain the same. Slavery, plantation crops, development of weapons… These things developed slowly and steadily until chemical advances in the 1800s. Oil first becomes popular as a source of artificial light (kerosene) allowing for expansion of leisure time and greater industrialization. Next, another refining product, gasoline allows for
mass individual transportation and so our economy changes again. Each agent on the board can now go anywhere much faster, complicating the entire system. Plastic and synthetic rubber, more petrochemicals, also change our entire culture as things can be cheaply packaged air-tight, but also have many more broad impacts. Communication developments allow for unprecedented human coordination. By WWII we have complex global intelligence networks, devastating weaponry and have expressed an initial willingness to Love the Chemicals. After we set two Chemical Superpowers against each other, it becomes clear less people will have to die if there is just One Chemical Superpower.

Where is this going? As I said there are only two teams. One team is violent, one team isn’t. Sometimes members of the same team think they are fighting with someone on a different team… But in fact they are on the same team. That is why revolutions go hand in hand with police states. The myth is that anyone who acquires power with violence is somehow different than anyone else who does that. All violent roads lead to the ultimate expression of violence which is fascism. These are the lost people. Non-violence is the winning team, although it takes longer for it to win. Once the non-violent team refuses to be coerced into violence, the cat-playing-with-cornered-mouse instinct will burn out. It’s only fun to kill something that fights back, begs, whimpers, tries to escape. The violent have only ever had themselves to kill.

By: Joyce Jamison Tue, 20 Nov 2012 22:33:11 +0000 Thank you Jon – you never fail to provoke me as in arouse, inspire, motivate. I have been reading your articles for over a decade now, we’ve talked on the phone and I have several of your seminars on CD. Any chance I get to discuss with people re immunizations, GMO, the med cartel, etc. I do. I haven’t let a needle be put in my body for over 40 years and it is very difficult for me when my kids take their kids in for their vaccines. I get shot down from all directions but refuse to be silent. I get very frustrated. In my little world people don’t read nomorefakenews or Natural News or are even willing to open their minds up just a little bit. For the most part they think I’m crazy. So I vote with my dollar bill and encourage people to do the same. I remain responsible for my own health and stay away from docs and drugs. I hope that maybe people in my family will at least see that nothing dire has happened to me because of this. I want to do more to help educate the “common man”. The people on welfare that can buy Big Macs but not suppliments with food stamps. The people who think they can’t send their kids to school without getting them immunized. The people who think the news is the truth. The people who think the government is right no matter what. The people who vote just to vote and have no idea what they are voting for. People who have no idea what they’re putting into their mouths. I feel very fortunate that I discovered your articles and from them was lead to ever increasing education for my self.

By: Kathryn Tue, 20 Nov 2012 19:50:56 +0000 You are too much the certain.Using words almost like a poet to slam your points across.
As we see it here in the UK,your poor had very little health care.My friend’s sister was miscarrying a baby and was refused entry into 2 hospitals as she had no insurance.She lost the baby…
I also read of how many of your people can’t afford dental care.
Maybe Obama’s plan is not the best possible.
I think your post could terrify people……how do I know if my thyroid disease is caused by my food or is genetic?
I am worried about the drug manufacturers but they have done a lot of good too…it’s not so black and white.
