Comments on: Live in the collective and forget who you are Wed, 28 Nov 2012 05:08:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Wed, 28 Nov 2012 05:08:55 +0000 Have you written an article on who you propose the “secret controllers” to be and their methods?

By: Orson Wed, 28 Nov 2012 02:27:18 +0000 Are collectivism and individuality necessarily mutually exclusive? You can have gradations of collectivity. The French are some fiercely individualistic folks. I remember shopping in a grocery store in Paris. The checker sits on a high stool, slings a shopping bag at you to fill yourself, doesn’t say thanks and doesn’t make eye contact with you. They don’t play the game. They don’t try to please the employer any more than they have to, and they’ll take to the streets at the drop of a benefit. They do this because they know in their gut that rulers are sociopaths and psychopaths, and that the rulers will take as much of the wealth that the community can produce that they can smoothly get away with. They know that being a street sweeper is just as important as being any damned thing else in society. They’ll fight and break things, and when the battle is over, they go back to their private selves.

While the media tells of how our representatives are wringing their hands over the so-called “fiscal cliff”, the high cost of health care (yes, bogus care), the necessity of closing schools, foreclosing on homes, screwing old people out of a relaxed retirement – the power elite is blowing up trillions on phony wars, “losing” trillions of, yes, the peoples money. Enough wealth is wasted on war, on speculation, on the phony Federal Reserve, on incarcerations, on the holding back of technologies etc – to take care of the needs of people for a century into the future.

Demonizing Collectivism is a red herring, just as the Cold War was a red herring. If you don’t kick in with your neighbor to get some justice and equity, the sociopaths and psychopaths will kill you. They will kill you, slowly or quickly. The Right elitists, including the Democrats, the ruling class, has used the Chimera of the so-called Individual to pump up the ego of unsuspecting people to let down their guard and go it alone, so they can easily be manipulated and de-balled. “Look at me. I can rub shoulders with the likes of Donald Trump because I sold a piece of property in Santa Monica. Screw you little guys.” Of course, swamping the people in triviality helps too. Get them as satiated as possible, and sick and fat as possible. And the Power of Positive Thinking and the Secret are also insidious side tracks into inane metaphysics, more ploys to siphon off the peoples energy into impotence.

Having said the above, I don’t think there is much hope for some constructive collectivism in this country. When we let the killers get away with the Kennedy assassination, that was a signal to the rogue military/intelligence cabal that they could get away with anything. Thus 911. Europeans got hit hard in two wars. They’re cranky and suspicious and unpredictable. Americans are divided against themselves, just the way they need to be to be useless on their own behalf. Americans have painted themselves into an existentialist corner of their own making – with help – and the only way out may be chaotic violence

By: Vic Sadot Tue, 27 Nov 2012 04:24:11 +0000 Please cite some sources for what made you write this, Jon. As far as I can see the prevailing ideology of the American corporate culture and political “two party system” is to celebrate that an individual can overcome all obstacles. A Black Man can become President of the USA! Of course, the words of John Lennon should come to mind, “But first you must learn how to smile as you kill. If you wan to be like the folks on the hill”. When the Woman’s Liberation Movement was taken over by Gloria Steinem & Associates, Inc. with a million bucks from Coca Cola and a million bucks from Warner Brothers (laundered? lol), it quickly dropped the word “Liberation” and all the idealistic rhetoric about “the rising of the women will be the rising of us all” to instead “struggle” for “Individual” women to get places in the Corporate hierarchy next to their upper class male peers.

I’m a new reader to this blog and was drawn here by the writings about possible vote fraud in the corporate “victory” of Prop 37 to label Genetically Modified Organism foods (GMO). Good stuff!

Rest assured that American corporate “culture” will continue to centrally celebrate the “individual” and not “we the people” acting together for the benefit of all nor for the well-being of the Earth as a livable eco-system. The “collectivist” mentality that you speak of is not clear and needs more definition. The use of the UN for humanitarian military invasions and occupations such as in Haiti and Ivory Coast would be a good place to attack a more nuanced expression of “collectivism” which has a tiny minority’s interest as its real concern. Telling us more about what sparked this writing would be good to hear, particularly as a new reader re-posting your posts on GMO. Thanks, Jon!
