Comments on: James Holmes: three ways to get set up for murder Fri, 14 Dec 2012 21:17:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: V.E.G. Fri, 14 Dec 2012 21:17:12 +0000 Adam Lanza is a suspect in the shootings. Ryan Lanza is ruled out. Adam Lanza is to D. B. Cooper, Ryan Lanza is to Robert Wesley Rackstraw. Explanation: D. B. Cooper was a suspect and Robert Wesley Rackstraw is not.

By: V.E.G. Fri, 14 Dec 2012 20:17:31 +0000 Ironically, look at the red hair of James Holmes, the hair is the same color as Woody Woodpecker, and the Connecticut gunman’s family’s name was Lanza, and the creator of Woody Woodpecker was Walter Lantz, his real family name was Lanza! It is prophetic!

By: Jonathan Tooker Wed, 12 Dec 2012 03:35:45 +0000 I was disappointed that you did not mention scopolamine in your description of mind control techniques. Also, you did not mention the heavy blood trail behind the theatre. Also you did not mention that on July 26 it was revealed that CNN photoshopped a second knife out of a crime scene photo and then on the 27th the president of CNN resigned. You did not mention that the nurse from the hospital was drowned. I must conclude that this articel is part of a disinformation campaign. If I am mistaken you may be interested in the information aggregated here on the Aurora debacle.

By: R. Ray Sun, 09 Dec 2012 19:13:33 +0000

You want the Real Story on Aurora on July 20th, 2012 CE?

There it is. That is a public article based on a Report filed with US Secret Service in Denver that is NOT in the Public Domain. It has ballistics on weaponry used there and the Fact this was Covert from the Civilian Sector and WHY.

There are video clips showing all this in detail. The actual Report was aided by Texas Rangers and led to closed door conferences with Senators in Washington DC in the aftermath.

This led to closure of my old website in Sept. 2012 partly in honor of the Fallen at 9/11 in 2011 (RIP).

By: Sam Smith Sun, 09 Dec 2012 03:03:56 +0000 I have compiled this profile of what a ‘mass shooting as covert op’ looks like:

By: V.E.G. Fri, 07 Dec 2012 22:14:36 +0000 After all, Vasili Mikhailovich Blokhin, a Russian, he killed 7000 people in 28 consecutive days with a gun. It is 583 1/3 times as much as James Holmes.

By: Anonymous Mon, 03 Dec 2012 04:27:09 +0000 Jon… you want a scoop? Find James Holmes’ mother and interview her. Shortly after the incident, she held a press conference in which she claimed that her remark, “You’ve got the right person” was mis-represented. Here is the key… she appeared to be a very strong, intelligent, articulate woman – a real force – not to be pushed around. Since that press conference, she’s basically dissappeared. Not a peep from anybody at all about her. Where did she go? I’m sure she wants to be heard… a mother’s love for her son is forever. But it’s possible she’s been frightened into compliance.

By: vicfedorov Sat, 01 Dec 2012 08:04:02 +0000 i just dont understand what the point of this demonstration of violence would be. …..(what did his father testify about the scandal?)……(All of your points are true.)) (Murderous people do link up to others secretly) You can change the past by rewriting history. The media of then which brainwashes within the box. Earth is a restricted plànet. I never heard 101 witnesses say there were more than 2 shooters. I still remember that day. I was in Boone N.C..Excellent point about kennedy, sirhan. There is the forceful upperclass, or rather, the secret that must come out. Were investigative resources in the hands of the people, rather than the jealous guards, they would benefit from your getting into his mind. Surely thats class action.
