Comments on: Yes on Prop 37’s biggest supporter was…Monsanto Mon, 04 Aug 2014 04:01:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: xxcelinux Mon, 04 Aug 2014 04:01:26 +0000 This is a clear example of corporate agents infiltrating a grassroots movement. The anti-GMO movement was growing too strong for the corporations’ liking, so they paid people to start a phony grassroots movement who proposed a “solution” which was clearly designed to give immunity to the biotech industry.

End result? The anti-GMO community is fractured – the “label GMOs” crowd vs. the “ban GMOs” crowd – and the biotech industry is more powerful than ever.

Why did the Organic Consumers Association promote “Yes On 37”? Because they are funded by the Rockefellers who own a substantial stake in the biotech industry. Yes, the Organic Consumers Association was created by the biotech industry in order to fracture the anti-GMO movement to where it has no teeth.

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Fri, 25 Apr 2014 00:21:35 +0000 Well,

Sometimes you just got to start somewhere!

The labeling initiative was far better than doing absolutely NOTHING.

If one were to take a part from THEIR playbook, one would use such a victory as could have been possible with Prop 37 and expanded it to include greater restrictions on delivery, sale, and production of GMO-crops. The “other side” has done this for a very long time. It is called “incrementalism”. It is a valid strategy that can also work FOR the People, if it is successfully used BY the People.

Rather than bash and slam any strategy, in its totality, for merely “scratching the surface” – how about explaining the weaknesses of relying solely on its possible victories, instead of using such victories as “stepping-stones” to accomplish greater things ahead??? = THAT is how battles, and eventually – WARS, are won.

By: gmo2ashes Fri, 17 May 2013 19:29:59 +0000 Know this: you live in a war zone and GMOs are part of the arsenal used to weaken, maim and kill you and your family. The only solution to the GMO plague is to totally ban genetically engineered planting and burn any remaining GMO crops in the field.

Genetically engineered plant varieties cannot coexist alongside natural-bred varieties; this is a given. Through cross-pollination, GE plants will eventually contaminate and overcome non-GE varieties. There is no safe barrier between the two. You can’t have both type plants and expect labeling to save you or destruction of the food chain.

Labeling initiatives placate GMO opponents and instills the impression of “winning” against the monster. Labeling gives Monsanto authority to sow its deadly harvest with impunity and be accepted by society. Monsanto wins either way, with or without labeling. And unless GMOs are eliminated altogether, someday in the foreseeable near future, the entire food supply will be damaged beyond repair.

There can be no compromise or negotiation with a murderer who intends to kill you. You flee, fight back and prevail, or die. Ultimately, their global agenda is genocide (under the cloak of greed). Monsanto and its biotech counterparts intend to kill you […]

Know this: the chant for labeling to identify GMOs in food comes from the biotech giants, not thinking people. Monsanto initiated both the call for more GMOs in the biosphere, as well as its opposition (labeling). The debate over labeling GMO food has obscured the real issue of educating the public on the dangers of GMOs and banning GMO crops entirely.

The following ref identifies some of the culprits behind the faux labeling initiatives.

Below is a a link to an article that provides excellent insight into the dangers of glyphosate (in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide) and GE foods. However, like many alternative health resources, it also includes the misguided mantra for labeling GMOs. And like mockingbirds, many well-intentioned people are now singing Monsanto’s deadly song.

By: earthmama Tue, 22 Jan 2013 00:43:18 +0000 Prop 37 was poorly written; the fine print explained all sorts of exemptions to the labeling requirement. Personally I could not volunteer to get sigs for the Proposition because I could not explain the exceptions intelligently. And I know others voted it down because of this ambiguity. (Another Monsanto ploy?)

By: Some Countries Ban GMOs, But Not The United States Of Monsanto | Wichita Observer Sun, 23 Dec 2012 08:35:39 +0000 […] system to address them is unreasonable. And as evidenced by the fraud surrounding the recent California Proposition 37 election, gaining ground against agricultural terrorism at the ballot box is […]

By: Tgettnmoney Thu, 20 Dec 2012 05:16:45 +0000 Oh well played sir! No halfway following the controlled narrative here, very realistic from strategic standpoint. Sir you would do well to write about something… A story I think many have forgotten. The story of the APL, the OSS, and the CIA. If you really want to blow people’s minds, address the Insurance Intelligence Unit of the OSS w/r/t total global intelligence.

You mention the secret pact to dominate the global food supply… I would love to hear you apply this sort of analysis to the Secret Team that all other secret teams report to. I am meaning the Chemical Companies. IG Farben. Something I know that many don’t know? Allied Chemical Corportion was America’s answer to the IG Farben after WWI. This is not ever discussed, not even by people like you. Allied became HONEYWELL. I have my suspicions that this means HONEYWELL is a candidate for Top Dog, at least of the American Set.

Now, that tip about the APL-OSS-CIA progression and Honeywell are not things they teach in school. I have more secrets respond to this if you want em 🙂

By: Vincent Nunes Wed, 19 Dec 2012 10:35:42 +0000 Jon – this is easy.

Monsanto will mean the death of our food supply if we don’t put an end to them.

It’s common knowledge that they won’t even ingest their own FrankenFoods!

Why should we pay to be guinea pigs for their profit?

By: Sandie Stone Sat, 15 Dec 2012 22:34:08 +0000 I am in the UK and if our ‘environment’ secretary gets his way we will have GM crops grown here. Apparently, our supermarkets own brands do not contain GMO’s but who knows how true that is? There is no requirement for meat from cattle fed on imported corn or soy to be labelled!

By: Noodles123 Tue, 11 Dec 2012 20:49:57 +0000 Evil Genius at work…I’ve always suspected they have a Plan A B C D E F…they just bide their time as the population becomes dumb down or full of apathy…Honestly we’re almost at the tipping point.

By: SMOKEY 18 Tue, 11 Dec 2012 19:03:29 +0000 MONSANTO, has to be boycotted at all cost to save humanity. 70% OF THE food supply in America is poison . Ask yourself, would you take a can of Raid bee spray& put it in your mouth and spray , just to keep bees away . No so why would you eat food loaded with pestisides.GMOS ARE POISONS
