Comments on: Don’t let your child see a psychiatrist. Ever. Tue, 06 Dec 2016 17:10:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Justin Tue, 06 Dec 2016 17:10:29 +0000 I don’t agree with you, but could you possible provide some sources for this information.

By: sanu Sun, 04 Sep 2016 17:58:31 +0000 So true….I loved ur article

By: faffaflunkie Fri, 17 Apr 2015 04:18:27 +0000 If your curious what it’s like to go to a shrink, just lock yourself in a closet for 45 minutes- that’s a “hour” in shrink time- go to the bathroom on yourself and make it a “No. 2”, and on your way out take $250 and burn it. Feel better?

By: Joseph A. Shrager DMD Mon, 08 Apr 2013 15:52:02 +0000 Addressed to Patrick: “what are the options?” I am the son who ‘survived’ being raised by a psychiatrist. I do rather well actually as compared with my siblings. They have seen drug abuse, and divorce, multiple bankrupticies, and have medicated their children at times. I have a Masters degree in psyche… I needed one just to escape the clutches of the incessent “schizophrenogenic” pschologizing that I was at one time vulnerable to. YOur option is to read Thomas Szasz… read Kierkegaard… learn to embrace and love what is seemingly “unembraceable.” inside yourself. There are good psychologists, but you will only receive the highest enlightment that that particular psychiatrist or psychologist achieved. Rare. The majority of these psychology people – seek this field for the wrong reasons, and the field itself corrupts their individual abilities to achieve enlightment while under its influence. My father said himself, “I didn’t feel good about myslef, so I thought how beautiful a job that can help others while at the same time I could be helped to.” You should run from this person. Its the same reason most politicians seek politics for a career, and why we also have so few politiicians who have a first clue about what they are doing. In fact psychology is a political field. They believe they “know” what is truly in the best interest of another?? Learn art instead. Study drama, dance, music and read Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Thoreau… and similar writers.. and re-think and consider matters of spirituality once you have first earned back a sense of your own person and your own mind. Your option is to relearn how to live and its difficult because you have to have faith initially that there is genuine love in the world and its worth living for.

By: patrick Tue, 19 Mar 2013 22:35:20 +0000 So what are the options/alternatives?

By: Nutrition for baby Mon, 04 Mar 2013 12:59:30 +0000 Thank you for this article because I will never again see a psychiatrist. I was bulled by my family

By: Afshin Mon, 25 Feb 2013 05:04:23 +0000 Jon, I’ve been reading your articles lately, and you are true to the Truth. Your words, and the time you have invested into facing reality which they imply, are a credit to your spirit and you are honored among the Good.

Please keep up you Good Work!


Afshin Nejat

By: John Doe Thu, 10 Jan 2013 08:23:42 +0000 Dear Jon Rappoport,

It is impossible to explain the difference between something that is science, and something that is pseudoscience, unless the audience has an understanding of the scientific method.

They don’t teach that in schools, nope. That hardcover books is a good 600 pages, and would require it’s own course. What the heck are they teaching in science courses anyway o.0?

I tried to explain why psychiatry was a pseudoscience to someone who was willing to hear me out recently. They told me “Don’t all other doctors make subjective diagnosis, you can’t test for some autoimmune diseases right? Are diagnostic tests actually that critical to medicine?”. They had one more surprise i wasn’t prepared for, “What’s the difference between the Mind and the Brain, a mental disorder is the same thing as a brain dysfunction right?”

So, subjective and Objective aren’t self evident. A profession which studies subjective symptoms and calls them their own disease is indistinguishable from a field like neurology, which study’s nerve and brain function using functional and structural diagnostic tests, and considers a disease a physically detectable malfunction or pathology.

The difference between “You have depression, it’s chronic, take this antidepressant, see you next month” and “Your QEEG was funny, and the blood work came back with a B-12 Deficiency, so you need to take this vitamin shot of B-12, and you should make a full recovery”

Although, I am not too bothered by this ultimately. The field of psychiatry is dying from severe lack of recruitment – world wide. Psychiatry will be completely gone in the US within 25 years if this rate stays constant, and it’s increasing 🙂 [1].

In the end, some bad people get away with very bad things, but things eventually work themselves out. Pseudoscience can’t stand up to rapid technological advancement in the other fields, and people really do want to be good and create something better.



After Sandy Hook: how psychiatrists will become policemen

By: ramonthomas Fri, 21 Dec 2012 18:49:50 +0000 Thank you for this article because I will never again see a psychiatrist. I was bulled by my family and ex-girlfriend into seeing a psychiatrist at a government hospital in South Africa. After the first session, they’re just happy to give you a packet of pills and there is no interest in your actual recovery. This article outlines the case again this pseudo-science in a way that will make it easy to share with parents I work with.

By: Leonie Tue, 18 Dec 2012 04:09:08 +0000 But you see Anonymous they spout ‘psycho babble’ that makes us feel that we ARE dippy in the head and they put the pressure on parents … “well it’s up to you … suffer the consequences if anything should happen” etc. etc. So you end up taking the damn stuff, then you’re in – hook, line and sinker. Therefore the Government, the pharma corporations, the medical professionals (lol, if that’s what you call them!) are ALL to blame. They (government) don’t want you to get well – why would they – all of them would be out of a job with no income! Parents too have to take some responsibility here as well – not run off to the doctors because they can’t control their kid/s – because they think there is something wrong with them. Maybe if they took a bit of time to talk to them, re-assure them, tell them they are loved and wanted, get them off their computers and sofas and fed them good wholesome foods, most of these problems would not appear. That’s my opinion anyway.
