Comments on: Here come the grief counselors, over the hill, pouring into Newtown, Connecticut Sat, 12 Oct 2013 03:33:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: AdamXYZ Sat, 12 Oct 2013 03:33:52 +0000 Folks, there is no way Adam Lanza committed anything over there in CT. Not only is it impossible for one individual to do all the things Adam is accused of, but LOOK AT frail little Adam Lanza. The boy was a twerp! I intimately know a whole bunch of murderers, and lived among them in San Quentin for a bunch of years, until I could overcome a criminal/political conviction and set myself free, as the case is today and has been for over thirty years. Of all those murderers I lived, ate, and worked with and among, slept beside, did time among and knew intimately across a bunch of years, including not just a few formidably fierce, violent, murderous Aryan Brothers loose in the inmate population, not any two of them could have committed what that frail, sickly little twerp, Adam Lanza, alone, is accused of doing.

It’s the same as imagining that 19 Arabs armed with razor blades pulled off the immensity of criminality surrounding 9-11. Yes, they even pulverized thousands of tons of concrete and steel with nothing but box cutting razor blades. Right. And out of the midst of that unimaginable cataclysm, the very passport of the Arab “ringleader,” Mohammad Atta, wafted down to a clean spot on the sidewalk, pristine, wholly intact, and lodged securely between the feet of an FBI agent, who picked it up and said, “Aha! Here is proof of Arab criminality in this enterprise!” (A veritable Sherlock Holmes at work here. Ha, ha, ha.) Right. You poor rubes that believe such rubbish. I’m so glad I did all that time in San Quentin. It made a real man of me.

I have a suggestion: since everybody will probably be lined up against walls and shot eventually, anyway (by the same people that take away all the guns), why not just go into that “good night” with one’s full mental faculties instead of clinging to psy-op straws that are too ridiculous for any human being with a brain even to attempt to get behind with a scintilla of faith and belief? Just say, “No!” I do it all the time, been doing it since I did time in SQ. When I am lined up against that wall, I’ll just spit in my murderers’ direction if I can’t hit him/her/it/them in the face with it. It would be more human than licking the boot.

By: Sam Smith Wed, 19 Dec 2012 19:01:26 +0000 They all have shrinks:

4-15-99 LDS Church Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT, Sergei Babarin, 70
“Salt Lake City Mayor Deedee Corradini said Babarin was schizophrenic and had not been taking his medication”

4-20-99 Columbine
Eric Harris had been seeing a psychologist.

3-21-05 Red Lake HS, Red Lake, MN, Jeff Weise, 17
Weise was taken to a psychiatric ward in Thief River Falls after a suicide scare.

9-13-06 Dawson College, Montreal, Kimveer Gill, 25,
….(his mother) said he had been depressed, and had even sought help for it a while back.

1-19-07 Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School, Princeton Mass, John Odgren, 16
His lawyer said “He’s on a number of medications and he’s under the care of many physicians…”

2-12-07 SLC Trolley Square massacre, Sulejman Talovic, 18
His girlfriend said he had seen a counselor at some point for his problems.

12-15-07 Trevor Lapierre, 22, Kitchener, Ontario
Lapierre had been hospitalized four times in the year and half before the murder for his mental afflictions.

2-14-08 Northern Illinois University, Steven Kazmierczak, 27
Kazmierczak had been seeing a psychiatrist on a monthly basis.

9-23-08 Kauhajoki School of Hospitality(Finland), Matti Juhani Saari, 22
…Saari sought treatment of some kind last summer, and was given tranquilisers.

1-23-09 Fabeltjesland nursery/day care stabbings, Belgium, Kim de Gelder, 20
He had been receiving in-patient treatment at a local clinic.

1-24-09 Portland,OR Niteclub Shooting, Eric Salvador Ayala
“An interview by police with Ayala’s mother at the hospital before he died revealed that he had been hospitalized and on medication when he was younger for depression or other mental health problems…”

4-10-09 OAED Vocational College, Athens, Greece, Dimitris Patmanidis, 19
“…the 19-year-old had once tried to strangle a fellow student and had subsequently been placed under the surveillance of a college psychologist.”

11-26-09 Pecs University, Hungary
“The university’s dean… said there would be a thorough investigation of the suspect’s background, including his relationship with psychiatrists…”

6-2-10 Cumbria Rampage
Some sources said that before the shootings started the taxi-driver turned up at a local hospital and requested to be seen or taken in, stating that he was ‘mentally ill.’

10-8-10 Kelly Elementary, San Diego, Brendan O’Rourke
He had spent at least one night in a mental ward after displaying bizarre symptoms

By: Doug Bower Wed, 19 Dec 2012 18:13:40 +0000 Tears came to my eyes as I read the blog. We are presently in a damned if you prescribe, damned if don’t prescribe scenario. If medications aren’t offered, bad things happen. If medications are offered, the side effects of the medications include violent behavior.

What would happen if we espoused empathy, acceptance, love, patience, mercy, and kindness? Would we be seen as naive? Would the resistance to this be so broad that such behaviors will never be the norm?

History is replete with atrocities most of which occurred before there was medication. Who knows how many occurred before guns.

Is there a futility in all this? Yet, is not in the futility an opportunity to keep offering care and hope?

By: Tim Harris Tue, 18 Dec 2012 03:45:36 +0000 Why didn’t Adam Lanza see the system as a place for help?

Why don’t we have a mental health system that has a reputation for helping? Because it’s ignorant, ill and corrupt.

Why is it I once had a therapist who once treated troubled young kids at a top hospital and talking to me his eyes quickly swelled up when he told me, “for some reason therapist that go into the field of treating troubled kids are often very troubled themselves.”

By: tom brown Sun, 16 Dec 2012 21:40:54 +0000 It is proven that antidepressant meds increase neuroplasticity. This can be effective used in conjunction with positive therapy. Add in repetitive negative imprinting from ceaseless hours of violent realistic video games in conjunction with psych drugs that increase neuroplasticity and you will get the violent thoughts and behaviors that result right down to the attire. The powers that be will never say but where are the statistics for gun violence and certain classes of psych medication for depressed downwardly mobile young men who are gamers. There is some type of a pattern here that will eventually emerge. How long is the media going to dance around the psych drug issue and use the latest incident as a focal point in the gun debate. So far we’ve seen the Glock, Sig Saur and Bushmaster images repeatedly, with the grieving parents. When are we going to see the images of the pills, prescription bottles and video game collection that completes the picture? Where is the journalistic honesty? What’s different between now and the earlier decades is the number of psych prescriptions per million of population.

By: MT Sun, 16 Dec 2012 11:35:20 +0000 Anybody know anything about Adam Lanza being the son of a top CIA psychological analyst working on a DARPA experiment? Could it have been a retaliation after the failed mass shooting in Portland?

By: Russell Sun, 16 Dec 2012 10:54:43 +0000 Perhaps the teachers were on drugs or maybe our leaders are on drugs and on the take from big phrarma. The teachers have to take drugs to get in synk with the drugged kids they are teaching and the drugged parents sending their kids there. Lets all get guns and wear them to protect ourselfs from the drug zombies comming to get our guns.

By: KPRyan Sun, 16 Dec 2012 01:33:49 +0000 What is remarkable is the recent waves of ‘privacy acts’ etc. Used to be you’d never sign a ‘privacy notice’ or ‘your privacy rights’ contract when you went to the Doctor’s office for a checkup.

Now we’re constantly fed contracts to sign stating we comprehend the ‘privacy policy’ at the dentist’s office, doctor’s office, likely even the vet has one for your dog. So we’re awash in ‘privacy’ (even a few college football coaches have used this as an excuse not to admit which player(s) are injured on their roster before next Saturday’s game).

And yet…

We have no privacy. All our legal records are readily available on the internet. Past addresses, phone numbers, where and when educated, etc etc etc. The gov’t builds gigantic edifices to house every email, every keystroke every American has ever typed into a computer or phone. More ‘secret’ installations are built to house all the recordings of our phone calls. Drones are in the air spying on us. WE have NO PRIVACY AT ALL. Yet we have Privacy Policy forms galore.


When WE want to know what drugs a now DEAD person was prescribed by their doctor(s). These (usually) young men (for the most part) are now DEAD! DEAD PEOPLE DON’T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THEIR PRIVACY.

I recall years ago now when a Kipland Kinckle murdered his parents and then shot some fellow students at Thurston High in Oregon we learned right away that Kip was on 1 or more of these drugs. People began to put 2+2 together and found it added up to the dangers of the drugs… so now, due to ‘privacy’ we can’t find out the truth in these more recent cases.

It is ironic that the never ending War on Drugs that has destroyed families, done its part to turn the US into a full fledged Police State, and imprisoned so very many people continues to be waged despite the fact that no heroin or cocaine or lsd or mushroom or marijuana user(s) have blown away children in school. Yet Rx drugs, which have been proven time and time again to initiate these kind of responses in people, continue to be shielded by the Govt and those paid off by the multi-billion dollar drug corporations for their silence.

By: Dave Sat, 15 Dec 2012 20:35:27 +0000 Here come the grief counselors.

By: Big M Sat, 15 Dec 2012 18:51:43 +0000 OK, OK, where do I sign up for the candlelight vigils?

God, what a pathetic excuse for a country. The rest of the world will be SOOOOOOOOOO much better off when this clown kingdom/criminal murder machine is in the dustbin of history.
