Guns create crime the same as flies create garbage.
“After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn’t do it.”
William Burroughs, 1992
Keep up the great work Jon ;-}
]]>I’m reading the book ‘Our Daily Meds’ by Melody Petersen. It is FILLED with instances of people going off while they are taking these things. We have got to start putting the blame for these problems where they belong, on the CORRUPT DRUG COMPANIES that lie, cheat, steal and BREAK THE LAW in order to stuff up the sheeple with mind damaging substances. They are no better than Meth heads.
Review: “”A devastating, often shocking, critique of a once proud industry that has been converted by corporate greed into a vast marketing machine that is often a menace to health. Petersen supports her indictment with an abundance of fascinating detail and human interest stories. An excellent contribution to the growing demand for better regulation of an industry that has grown way too powerful and heedless of the interests of its customers.” —Marcia Angell, M. D., Senior Lecturer in Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Arnold S. Relman, M. D., Prof. Emeritus of Medicine and of Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School